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College of Agriculture - Core Requirements

January 1, 2008


College of Agriculture – Core Graduation Requirements
To earn a baccalaureate degree, a student shall complete resident study at Purdue University for at least two semesters and the enrollment in, and completion of, at least 32 semester credit hours of coursework required and approved for completion of the degree. These courses are expected to be at least junior-level courses. Baccalaureate degree plans of study must include a capstone course or experience, and a Multicultural Awareness course or experience.. Capstone course credits and Multicultural Awareness credits also may be used to fulfill core curricular requirements, or departmental requirements or electives.
The College of Agriculture faculty has established that a minimum of 130 semester credit hours must be completed to earn the degree of Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Bachelor of Science in Agricultural and Biological Engineering (B.S. A.B.E.), Bachelor of Science in Forestry (B.S.F.), or Bachelor of Science in Landscape Architecture (B.S.L.A.).
Academic Category   B.S. B.S.
B.S.F. B.S.L.A.
Semester Credits
Introduction to the College
of Agriculture and Purdue University
1 1 1 1
Mathematics and Sciences
Biological Sciences 8 8 8 8
General Chemistry 6 8 6 0
Calculus 3 16 3 0
Statistics (Calculus may be used in BSLA) 3 0 3 3
Additional Mathematics and Sciences 8 9 8 9
Minimum Total 28 41 28 20
Written and Oral Communication
ENGL 10600 (First Year Composition) 4 4 4 4
COM 11400 (Fundamental of Speech Communication) 3 3 3 3
Additional Written and Oral 3 3 3 3
Minimum Total 10 10 10 10
Social Sciences and Humanities
Economics 3 3 3 3
Other Social Sciences 3 – 9 3–6 3 – 9 3 – 9
Humanities 6–12 6–9 6–12 9–15
Minimum Total 18 15 18 21
Departmental Requirements/Electives 73 63 81 80

Successful completion of a minimum of nine credits of International Understanding electives (six for Bachelor of Science in Agricultural and Biological Engineering), successful completion of a minimum of three credits of Multicultural Awareness electives, and an approved Capstone Course or Experience are required in fulfilling degree specifications listed above.

The following courses are not applicable as credit toward graduation in any College of Agriculture baccalaureate degree program: CHM 10000; ENGL 10000, 10900; ENGR 19100, 19200, 19300; MA 11100, 12300, 13300, 13400, 15100; PHYS 14900; STAT 11300, 11400; and all General Studies courses except GS 49000.

Credits earned in one of the following courses…MA 15200 or MA 15300 or MA 15400 or MA 15900…may be used as an unrestricted elective in College of Agriculture undergraduate plans of study, but may not be used as a Mathematics and Sciences elective.



For more information go to the Majors and Minors page

Revised November 18, 2008


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