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News Releases
January 14, 2009

New Health-Care Centre Dedicated To Teenagers Opens In Portage La Prairie

Teenagers in Portage la Prairie and the surrounding area now have their own dedicated primary health-care centre at Portage Collegiate Institute, thanks to a partnership between the provincial...

January 14, 2009

Province Supports Aboriginal Career Fair To Help Youth Enter Changing Workforce

Culture, Heritage, Tourism and Sport Minister Eric Robinson, acting Aboriginal and northern affairs minister, today announced a $50,000 grant for the National Aboriginal Achievement Foundation to...

January 14, 2009

Universities Receive Record $40-Million Investment For Campus Improvements

The Manitoba government is tripling its investment in university renewal with an additional $40 million in funding for 54 campus improvement projects at the province’s four major...

January 14, 2009

Canada's First Ministers to Meet on Economy and With National Aboriginal Leaders

Premier Gary Doer will join Prime Minister Stephen Harper and provincial and territorial premiers in Ottawa Thursday and Friday for a first ministers’ meeting on the economy, which will...

January 13, 2009

Green Team Program Applications Now Available: Bjornson

Not-for-profit organizations across Manitoba and municipal governments in rural Manitoba are invited to apply for grants from the provincial Green Team program to hire youth next summer,...

January 12, 2009

Watersmart Program Encouraging Manitobans To Save Water Launches With Rebate

An instant rebate as part of the WaterSmart Manitoba initiative will be offered at participating retailers on the purchase of high-efficiency, dual-flush toilets for one day, Feb. 21, Water...

January 9, 2009

Consumers' Bureau Cautions Manitobans About Extended Vehicle Warranties

The Manitoba Consumers’ Bureau advises consumers to be very cautious if they receive phone calls from companies attempting to sell them extended warranties for their vehicles.   ...

January 9, 2009

Manitoba Experiences Steady Job Growth: Swan

Manitoba continues to chart a steady economic course that positions the province well for the future, according to the latest Statistics Canada information released this morning, Competitiveness,...

January 9, 2009

Assiniboine Credit Union River Trail Opens - Plans Underway to Reach Assiniboine Park

Assiniboine Credit Union River Trail, Winnipeg – Assiniboine Credit Union River Trail if officially open today. And, it looks like it will reach all the way to Assiniboine Park this...

January 9, 2009

Office Of The Fire Commissioner Announces Urban Search And Rescue Team To Hold Annual Meeting

The Office of the Fire Commissioner advises that over 100 members of Manitoba’s Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) team will hold their annual team meeting in Brandon today and tomorrow....

January 8, 2009

Bizpal Launched In Steinbach, Manitoba

STEINBACH, Manitoba, January 8, 2009 — Starting and running a business in the city of Steinbach just became easier thanks to BizPaL, a new online business permit and licence...

January 8, 2009

Window And Door Manufacturer To Redesign Factory With $10 Million In Provincial Support

Loewen, a manufacturer of luxury windows and doors, is redesigning its Steinbach factory to become a model of lean manufacturing with the assistance of a $10-million secured, repayable provincial...

January 7, 2009

Province Moves Forward With Further Payday Loan Regulation

The Manitoba government is moving forward with measures to better protect Manitoba consumers by proclaiming significant payday loan legislation provisions and committing to introducing...

January 2, 2009

Manitoba Announces Proposed Amendment To The Retirement Plan Beneficiaries Act

Manitobans establishing a Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) will soon be able to designate a beneficiary outside of a will with amendments to The Retirement Plan Beneficiaries Act, Finance Minister...


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