Table 1-13
Professional satisfaction and commitment of public middle and high school teachers: Academic year 2003–04
Professional satisfaction and commitment   All teachers   Mathematics   Science   Other teachers
I am satisfied with being a teacher   89.6   89.6   87.2   89.9
How long do you plan to remain in teaching?  
As long as I am able   41.8   41.8   39.7   42.1
Until I am eligible for retirement   33.9   32.4   33.8   34.1
Continue unless something better comes along   9.0   9.2   11.0   8.7
Definitely plan to leave as soon as I can   3.0   3.3   3.7   2.9
Undecided at this time   12.3   13.2   11.8   12.2
If you could start over again, would you become a teacher?  
Certainly   39.3   41.5   32.0   40.1
Probably   26.4   24.4   28.5   26.4
Even chances   17.6   15.6   21.6   17.3
Probably not   12.0   12.1   13.2   11.8
Certainly not   4.6   6.3   4.7   4.3
SOURCES: National Center for Education Statistics, Schools and Staffing Survey, 2003–04; and National Science Foundation, Division of Science Resources Statistics, special tabulations.

Science and Engineering Indicators 2008