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Safer Communities

Lighthouses - Financial Contributions


Financial Reporting
Application for Funding

The funding strengthens the ability of communities to create and manage their own unique programs and is a component of Manitoba’s crime prevention efforts.

Program sites are supported with up to $1000 per month. To be eligible for consideration, a program's proposal must satisfy the funding criteria.

The provincial funding contribution can cover as much as half of the total cost of running a program. The other portion must come from another source, which can include services in kind.

Proposals need to identify a host organization that will take responsibility for the grant and items such as insurance.

The host organization must be a recognized legal entity, such as a registered non-profit organization, school division or civic government body.

The individual needs of communities will be taken into account when assessing proposals, however, the program was generally designed to help pay for:

  • salary & benefits for a part-time coordinator;
  • minor equipment and supplies for activities;
  • janitorial and maintenance related costs;
  • administration and office supplies;
  • transportation costs; and
  • expenses relating to youth involvement such as training or hosting of a youth forum.

The program is not meant to support capital expenses for buildings, major equipment purchases or activity admission fees.



Lighthouses has been built through an innovative series of creative partnerships, and the province is actively seeking more collaborations to make the programs it supports even more effective.


Financial Reporting

Managers from Lighthouses will provide funded programs with both a six month semi-annual and an annual financial reporting system. The reports are to be completed by site coordinators.


Application for Funding

An application for funding is available by contacting the Lighthouses Provincial Manager at (204) 945-1549. The next application deadline is December 1, for funding starting the following October 1 running until March 31.


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