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Manitoba Justice



Courts in Manitoba
Manitoba’s courts are divided into three main areas of responsibility although in certain instances there are shared functions. The three courts of Manitoba are the Court of Appeal, the Court of Queen’s Bench and Provincial Court. 

Jury Duty
You may become involved with our courts if you are summoned for Jury Duty in a criminal trial. To serve on a jury is your democratic right, your civic responsibility, and a great honour. If you are selected to serve on a jury, this site will provide you with information on your responsibilities.

Trial by Jury
Trial by Jury is a very special type of criminal trial in which members of the community actively share in the delivery of justice. This site provides a guide to jury procedures. It explains the jury selection process, how the trials are conducted, the identity and roles of the courtroom officials, and the steps taken in court to safeguard the rights of all parties.

Judicial Conduct
Provincial Court Judges hear thousands of cases every year. Judges play a crucial role in our justice system, using their experience and the evidence presented to them to weigh complex cases and make decisions. On occasion, you may have a problem with the conduct of a Provincial Court Judge. If you are unhappy with a judge’s conduct, then you can launch a formal complaint.

Aboriginal Court Workers
Court Workers help people who are in contact with the law. They also work in courts to explain what happens there, and to help the judge and Crown attorney understand the situation of the person on trial. The Court Worker Program was started to aid persons of Aboriginal origin who come before a court, but other people are welcome to ask for help too.

Fine Option Program
The law allows a person who has been fined to pay cash or, if unable to pay, register in the Fine Option program. Under this program, participants perform unpaid community work equal to the value of the fine instead of going to jail for non-payment of fines.

Applying for a Pardon
A pardon allows people who were convicted of a criminal offence, but have completed their sentence and demonstrated they are law-abiding citizens, to have their criminal record sealed. Visit the National Parole Board Web site and learn more about making an application.

Small Claims
The Small Claims Court is under the jurisdiction of the Manitoba Court of Queen's Bench and is a way to settle monetary disputes that do not exceed $10,000.  You may ask to have costs and/or interest added to your judgment at the hearing. The Small Claims Court can only award a monetary judgment; or, in the case of a motor vehicle accident, determine liability.


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