Not A Law 

There Ought NOT be a Law

Of course the role of government is to protect the citizens it serves, but we must be careful not to allow the government to grow beyond our means of containing it. 

That is why I am seeking the counsel of the constituents of the 48th District of California for a campaign I call, "There Ought NOT be a Law."

Think you might be interested? Click Here to read more


  • 01/13/2009 - ****MEDIA ADVISORY***** Congressman John Campbell to Work with Top Experts at Economic Recovery Solutions Hearing read more

  • 01/07/2009 - Campbell Supports Israel’s Right to Defend Itself read more

  • 01/06/2009 - Campbell Appoints New Chief of Staff and Communications Director read more

  • 01/05/2009 - Campbell to Hold Inaugural Reception for Constituents read more

  • 01/05/2009 - Campbell Office Hours in Laguna Woods read more


  • 01/08/2009 - Congressmen support Israel’s strikes on Gaza read more

  • 01/08/2009 - O.C. Reps agree with Obama on economic woes; differ on Rx read more

  • 01/07/2009 - POLITICAL LANDSCAPE: Campbell; Share your gripes for laws read more

  • 12/11/2008 - Senate GOP puts brakes on bailout - The Washington Times read more

  • 12/09/2008 - Auto bailout may affect Buchanan's wallet - Politico read more


  • 12/17/2008 - Bold Changes Should Prevent Another Crisis read more

  • 10/03/2008 - Plan Will Save Free Market, Not Destroy It - Investor's Business Daily read more

  • 07/11/2008 - The Pelosi Premium, Not Worth it read more

  • 07/02/2008 - Rep. Campbell: Put brakes to out-of-control spending - OC Register read more

  • 01/04/2008 - EPA is right and California is Wrong read more

see all news >

Congressman John Campbell's Green Eyeshade blog

  • Legislative Formulas? - 01/13/2009
    In today’s edition of Roll Call, there is a rather telling article regarding earmarks in the Economic Stimulus Package. read

  • 111th Congress' Version of the PAYGO Gimmick - 01/07/2009
    I am no fan of the Democrats pay-as-you go (PAYGO) rule that was put in place at the beginning of the 110th Congress... read

  • Worst Waste of the Year - 12/15/2008
    Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK) recently released a report on the “Worst Waste of the Year.” read

  • Holding Government More Accountable - 12/11/2008
    Recently, Americans for Tax Reform (ATR) unveiled a new project called the Center for Fiscal Accountability. read

  • The Deficit Skyrocket - 12/11/2008
    As part of my weekly report as Chairman of the Republican Study Committee’s Budget and Spending Task Force... read

visit blog >

Laptop Report

First Week and Rules - 1/15/2009
 It's the first week of the 111th Congress and it's a little like the first week back at school in September. "So what did you do over the holidays?" read 

The Car Business - 1/7/09
The Car Business: Now that the rescue/bail out of the big 3 automakers has been completed by President Bush, the Fed and the Treasury

In Case you Missed it Investor's Business Daily- 12/17/08
This was published in today's edition of Investor's Business Daily.  It outlines a few of my thoughts and ideas on the path towards restructuring our financial regulatory system... read