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Manitoba Civil Service Commission

Role for Mentors

As Communicators, mentors

  • encourage two-way exchange of information
  • listen to intern's career concerns and counsel accordingly
  • create an environment for open interaction

As Counsellors, mentors

  • work with interns to identify and understand career-related skills, interests and values
  • help interns evaluate appropriateness of career goals
  • counsel in times of personal crisis and problems if interns request advice

As Coaches, mentors

  • help clarify professional and development goals and objectives
  • clarify and communicate organizational goals and objectives
  • recommend specific behaviours in which the intern needs improvement
  • serve as a role model to demonstrate successful professional behaviours

As Advisors, mentors

  • communicate formal and informal realities of progression in the organization
  • recommend training and development opportunities from which the intern could benefit
  • recommend appropriate strategies for career direction

As Resource Persons, mentors

  • identify resources to help the intern with specific problems
  • expand the intern's network of professional contacts

As Advocates, mentors

  • may intervene on the intern's behalf, representing the intern's concerns to higher levels for resolution on specific issues
  • arrange for the intern to participate in high-visibility activities with or outside the organization
  • promote mentoring across the organization