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Purdue University

Special Needs

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Special Needs


Candidates requiring special assistance to participate in the commencement exercise should contact Chris Pass in Room 55C, Hovde Hall, phone (765) 494-6163, or e-mail dehahn@purdue.edu as soon as possible to make appropriate arrangements.

Candidates with physically restricted guests who require special seating should contact Heather Dunk in Room 55, Hovde Hall, at 610 Purdue Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2040, phone (765) 494-6157, or e-mail hdunk08@purdue.edu by May 6, 2009, to make appropriate arrangements.

Guests using wheelchairs/crutches, etc., who had proper special seating arrangements made by their candidate, may be admitted to the auditorium through the lower exit doors on the north and south sides of Elliott Hall of Music beginning at 6:30 p.m. for the first division, 8 a.m. for the second and fourth divisions and 1 p.m. for the third division. Guests arriving within 30 minutes prior to the start of the ceremony should enter through the Hovde Hall parking lot to access the north entrance of the Elliott Hall of Music. Using this route will help avoid delay in entering the ceremony due to the candidate procession. 

All specially seated guests must have a general admission ticket, supplied by the candidate, to enter the Elliott Hall of Music.

Special headsets are available at no charge through the Elliott Hall of Music Box Office for those persons requiring hearing assistance.  Call (765) 494-3933 for details.  Sign language interpretive service also will be provided.

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Office of the Registrar, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907
(765) 494-8581, Fax: (765) 494-0570, E-mail: registrar@purdue.edu
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