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  Frequently Asked Questions and Facts Index "E"


Elephant ProductsThe following alphabetical index is to help you quickly find the answer to general permit questions. The keywords lead you to frequently asked questions and their answer, as well as links to fact sheets and specific web pages.


[A]  [B]  [C]  [D]  [F/G/H]  [I/J/K]  [L/M]  [N/O/P/Q]  [R]  [S]  [T/U/V/W/X/Y/Z

Keyword – E


Eagles, Bald and Golden

Eagle Facts

International Travel


Transport Permits

Elephant, African

Import of a Sport-hunted Trophy

Endangered and Threatened Species

Captive-bred Wildlife Registration

Candidate Conservation Agreements

Habitat Conservation Plans and Incidental Take Permits

Permits for Foreign Species and Import or Export of Foreign and Native Species

Permits for Native Species

Safe Harbor Agreements

Permits - FAQ's Page Footer

CITES:    Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species
BGEPA:  Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act
ESA:       Endangered Species Act
MBTA:    Migratory Bird Treaty Act
MMPA:   Marine Mammal Protection Act
WBCA:   Wild Bird Conservation Act

For additional information, visit the Fish and Wildlife Service's Frequently Asked Questions web site.