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The Asilomar Declaration of Sustainable Agriculture

Prior to the 1990 Ecological Farming Conference, a select group of sustainable agriculture pioneers authored the “Asilomar Declaration,” a groundbreaking document that attempted to answer the question, “what is sustainable agriculture?” The declaration was then approved by acclamation at that year’s Eco-Farm Conference. In a special strategy session at the 2005 25th Anniversary Eco-Farm Conference, the Asilomar Declaration was revisited in an ongoing effort to keep the movement effective and on the cutting edge.

Genetic Engineering Resources

EFA is deeply concerned that the development and release of genetically engineered crops worldwide has progressed rapidly with inadequate oversight, scant safety testing, and minimal public debate. We strongly support a halt to the approval, commercialization, or release of GE crops under the current system that comprises woefully inadequate self-regulation by the GE industry.We want to insure that no GE crops are released without adequate long-term, independent testing about their effects on health and the environment. The decisions that we make now about genetic engineering in food crops will have permanent consequences on our local food production system and the legacy we leave behind for our children and grandchildren.

Download EFA’s Position Statement on Genetic Engineering in Agriculture.