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Organizations By Type

State Resources

  • State Arts Agency
    Promote high-quality education in the arts.

  • State Child Care Licensing Office
    Regulates the health, safety, and well-being of children in out-of-home care; provides support and quality control services to child care providers.

  • State Coordinator for National History Day
    Provides history teachers with an innovative teaching tool; assists teachers and schools in meeting educational standards that require outcome-based learning activities; encourages the study of history by guiding students to express themselves creatively through presentations of historical topics and materials in a variety of formats; stimulates student interest in learning about history by integrating the materials and methods of social studies, art, literature, language and music into their entries; supports the development of research and reading skills and the refinement of presentation skills in writing, visual projects, and performances.

  • State Coordinator of Education for Homeless Children and Youth
    Ensures that all homeless children and youth have equal access to the same free, appropriate public education, including public preschool education, provided to other children and youth; develops, reviews, and revises policies to remove barriers to the enrollment, attendance, and success in school of homeless children and youth; provides them with opportunities to meet the same challenging state content and state student performance standards to which all students are held.

  • State Correctional Education Coordinator
    Provides services to those inmates who participate in education activities so that they may become responsible and productive persons who can effectively manage their incarceration and make contributions to their community upon release.

  • State Director of Adult Education
    Provide students with opportunities to develop skills needed to qualify for further education, job training, and better employment.

  • State Director of Children with Special Health Needs
    Addresses issues related to innovative managed care arrangements, Medicaid managed care, policies, access to care, epidemiology of chronic childhood conditions, and the identification of children with special health care needs.

  • State Director of Community Colleges
    Exchanges information on issues, trends, and projects, including state and federal legislation as well as finances relating to community colleges; shares data from the state and national levels to provide a perspective on community colleges; promotes research and legislation at the national level in concert with the American Association of Community Colleges; provides programs of assistance to members.

  • State Director of Maternal and Child Health
    Provides leadership, partnerships, and resources to advance the health of all our states' mothers, infants, children, and adolescents.

  • State Director of Special Education
    Ensure appropriate services and opportunities for children and youth with disabilities.

  • State Director of Vocational-Technical Education
    Administer vocational-technical education programs and services for youth and adults at the state level through federal grants awarded under the Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Education Act.

  • State Education Agency (State Department of Education)
    Provide information, resources, and technical assistance on educational matters to the schools and the residents.

  • State Grant Agency
    Provides information on grants, scholarships, and other financial aid for college students from the state, including federally-supported state programs such as Byrd scholarships and LEAP (Leveraging Educational Assistance Partnership) grants.

  • State Guaranty Agency
    Private, non-profit corporations designated to administer the Federal Family Education Loan Program (FFELP).

  • State Higher Education Agency
    Provide information on the state's education programs, colleges and universities, financial aid assistance programs, grants, scholarships, continuing education programs, and career opportunities.

  • State Humanities Council
    Funds and conducts humanities-based cultural and educational programs.

  • State Library Agency
    Assists libraries and each state's residents with rapid access to library and informational resources through the development and coordination of a statewide library/information system.

  • State Literacy Resource Center
    Assist adult education practitioners in locating and accessing the most current materials in their issue area.

  • State Parent Training and Information Center (Disabilities)
    Provide training and information to parents of infants, toddlers, children, and youth with disabilities and to people who work with parents to enable them to participate more fully and effectively with professionals in meeting the educational needs of their children with disabilities.

  • State PTA Office
    Supports and speaks on behalf of children and youth in the schools, in the community, and before governmental bodies and other organizations that make decisions affecting children; assists parents in developing the skills they need to raise and protect their children; encourages parent and public involvement in public schools.

  • State Tech Prep Coordinator
    Prepare students for a highly skilled, technical occupation that allows either direct entry into the workplace as a qualified technician or further education leading to baccalaureate and advanced degrees. Tech Prep is a 4-year sequence of study from the 11th grade through 2 years of postsecondary occupation education culminating in a certificate or associate degree.

  • State Vocational Rehabilitation Agency
    Coordinates and provides counseling, evaluation, and job placement services for people with disabilities.

  • Other State Resource
    Newly added state resources not covered under other categories may appear under this category.

Regional Resources

  • Comprehensive Regional Assistance Center
    Help states, school districts, and schools meet the needs of children, including: children in high poverty areas, migratory children, immigrant children, children with limited-English proficiency, neglected or delinquent children, homeless children and youth, Indian children, children with disabilities, and, where applicable, Native Alaskan and Hawaiian children. Focus on two priorities: assisting Title I schoolwide programs and helping local education agencies that have the highest percentages or numbers of children in poverty.

  • Equity Assistance Center
    Assist school districts and education agencies with issues related to educational equity in the areas of race, national origin, and gender desegregation.

  • Parent Resource Center
    Help families get involved in their children's learning. Target areas with high concentrations of low-income, minority, and limited-English-proficient parents.

  • Regional Educational Laboratory
    Research education issues, print publications, and provide training programs to teachers and administrators. Offer region-specific services that must be accessed through district education officials. Provide publications to anyone, regardless of region.

  • Regional Resource Center
    Assist state education agencies in the systemic improvement of education programs, practices, and policies that affect children and youth with disabilities. Help states and U.S. jurisdictions find integrated solutions by offering consultation, information services, technical assistance, training, and product development. Provide customized products, information, and services that address a wide range of topics.

  • Secretary's Regional Representative and Regional Office

    ED maintains 10 regional offices throughout the country. The following offices have representatives in each regional office:

    • The Office of Postsecondary Education (OPE) handles questions related to student financial assistance programs.
    • The Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS) assists constituents with rehabilitative services.
    • The Office for Civil Rights (OCR) responds to questions about and reviews complaints related to civil rights issues.
    • The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) investigates potential violations of law and conducts audits on Department-funded programs.
    • The Office of Management (OM) has personnel offices or representatives in each of the regional offices.
    • The Secretary's Regional Representative (SRR) and staff conduct Departmental business on many issues.

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