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Budget 2008

Budget 2008
Le Budget 2008

The 2008 Manitoba Budget Address

Water Protection

In Manitoba, we know the goals of protecting the environment and growing the economy can be achieved simultaneously. We plan to take advantage of this situation by building a dynamic green economy that sustains our natural assets, promotes a healthy, vibrant society and ensures a prosperous future.

Clean water is vital to the health of our environment, the sustainability of our economy and the well-being of all Manitobans.

Based on the work of the Lake Winnipeg Stewardship Board, our government introduced a major new strategy focussed on reducing nitrogen and phosphorus levels in our waterways. We have taken action on over 90% of the Board’s recommendations already and we are continuing to move forward by engaging all those who contribute to the problem to become part of the solution. Mr. Speaker, since 1999, we have committed more than $190 million for water protection.

Water protection is everyone’s responsibility. We were the first province to introduce legislation to regulate phosphorus in automatic dishwasher detergents, and we are pleased that our efforts succeeded in triggering a national response.

By January 1, 2009, we will also restrict phosphorus application for lawn and garden fertilizers. We have introduced new standards to reduce the amount of nitrogen and phosphorus released by large wastewater treatment facilities, and will be introducing limits for smaller systems and lagoons. Along with this, we are helping municipalities meet the new standards by sharing in the costs.

New rules will be announced this year prohibiting the installation of septic fields in certain areas and bringing in new restrictions for current systems. Budget 2008 also provides new resources for enhanced monitoring and inspection of septic systems, particularly in the capital region north of Winnipeg and in cottage country.

Our government has introduced nutrient restrictions for the livestock industry to provide a framework for environmentally sustainable growth. Following the Clean Environment Commission (CEC) review, we have placed a moratorium on hog industry expansion in parts of the province and will be strengthening regulations to protect sensitive and marginal lands in Manitoba.

Further restrictions on the spreading of manure during the winter have been accepted as recommended by the CEC. Restrictions will also apply to municipal sludge, and to fertilizers for lawns and golf courses. We all must do our part to reduce excess nutrients reaching our waterways. Mr. Speaker, Budget 2008 also provides new resources for inspection and enforcement of these regulations.

The Province will be working with the Faculty of Environment, Earth and Resources at the University of Manitoba and others on priority research areas, including phosphorus application levels and other recommendations from the CEC’s report on the hog industry.

Wetlands help to purify water, mitigate flooding and reduce greenhouse gases. Manitoba is home to 18% of Canada’s wetlands and we have shared leadership in protecting this resource with Conservation Districts and organizations such as Ducks Unlimited, the Nature Conservancy of Canada, and the Manitoba Habitat Heritage Corporation.

Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to announce that Budget 2008:

  • increases funding for Conservation Districts to more than $5.3 million;

  • increases our contribution to the Nature Conservancy of Canada to $400,000 this year as part of our five-year, $1.5 million funding agreement;

  • continues funding for the Manitoba Habitat Heritage Corporation; and

  • renews the five-year funding agreement for Oak Hammock Marsh Interpretive Centre, with an increase which will be matched by Ducks Unlimited.

Building on Manitoba’s leadership in energy efficiency, we are now moving forward with a new strategy to promote water conservation.

Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to announce that today’s budget introduces a new water conservation program that will encourage the purchase of water-saving appliances and devices.