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Lycos Domains TLDs

New! Hosting with Lycos Domains
Powered by cPanel

Get affordable .com domains for as little as $12.95 for 1 year!

  • Free email account at your domain address - supports all popular mail programs
  • Easy integration with Tripod, Angelfire, Zeeblio - Lycos' award winning web publishing products
  • Superior customer support via toll-free phone numbers
  • Easy domain management

Transfer Domains

Transfer your domain name to Lycos Take advantage of Lycos' great rates and features including email and now hosting powered by cPanel.

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Easy Installs

Install Wordpress on your website Effortlessly install a WordPress blog, among other web applications & Content Management Systems.

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Secure Websites

Protect your website with SiteLock Protect your website and customers with high security features from SiteLock.

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About Lycos Domains

Making sure you have a unique domain name is the first step to building a successful website, whether for your business, you family, or your hobby.

For nearly a decade, Lycos Domains has strived to bring customers a one-stop shop that makes purchasing and managing domains accessible and easy for all. With cutting-edge features including domain privacy, domain name verification with SiteLock, and hosting powered by cPanel, Lycos Domains welcomes you to take a look and we look forward to serving your domains needs.

Claim Your Domains

TLDs Choose from a variety of different TLDs to make your domain unique. Claim multiple TLDs to grow the online presence of your personal website or business.

Already have a .com domain? Grab a .org, .net, .info, or a .biz to make it easier for your visitors to find your website from multiple entry url.

Browse TLDs