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Endocrine Society

Mailing List Rental Service

The Endocrine  Society maintains a contact database of endocrinologists in clinical practice,  clinical research, and basic research positions,  both members and nonmembers of  the Society.  In addition, our database includes those  in academic positions, clinical fellows, and post-doctoral researchers. This  comprehensive list of endocrinologists is available exclusively through The  Endocrine Society.

Through our list  rental service, you can reach endocrinology's thought leaders, practitioners,  endocrinologists in training, journal subscribers, and meeting attendees. If  reaching these professionals and scientists is important to you, then you should  use The Endocrine  Society's Mailing List Rental Service.

Our many selection  criteria allow you to select only the endocrinologists who are likely to be  interested in your products and services.  Please see the datacard for  details.

The base price of  the list is $225 per thousand labels.  To order, contact Kerry Tranfa at  800-708-LIST ext. 3246 or ktranfa@infocuslists.com.

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