Coos Bay Record of Decision and Resource Management Plan

Acronyms and Abbreviations

Coos Bay Record of Decision

Coos Bay District Resource Management Plan Table of Contents:

- Tables

- Figures

- Maps

- Appendices


ACEC - Area of Critical Environmental Concern

APD - Application for Permit to Drill

ASQ - Allowable Sale Quantity

BLM - Bureau of Land Management

BMP - Best Management Practice

C/DB(s) - Connectivity/Diversity Block(s)

CBWR - Coos Bay Wagon Road

CEQ - Council of Environmental Quality

CFL - Commercial Forest Lands

CFR - Code of Federal Regulations

COE - Corps of Engineers

CSU - Controlled Surface Use

CT - Commercial thinning

DBH - Diameter at breast height

DEIS - Draft Environmental Impact Statement

DEQ - Department of Environmental Quality

EA - Environmental Assessment

EEA - Environmental Education Area

EIS - Environmental Impact Statement

EO - Executive Order

EPA - Environmental Protection Agency

ESA - Endangered Species Act

FEIS - Final Environmental Impact Statement

FEMAT - Forest Ecosystem Management Assessment Team

FGR - Fragile Gradient Restricted

FLPMA - Federal Land Policy and Management Act

FY - Fiscal Year

GIS - Geographic Information System

GFMA - General Forest Management Area

IDT - Interdisciplinary team

ISA - Instant Study Area

LSR(s) - Late Successional Reserve(s)

MBF - Thousand Board Feet

MMBF - Million board feet

MMCF - Million cubic feet

MTP - Master Title Plat

NA - No Action

NEPA - National Environmental Policy Act

NMFS - National Marine Fisheries Service

NSO - No Surface Occupancy (as used in the Minerals section)

O&C - Oregon and California Revested Lands

ODFW - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife

OHV - Off-Highway Vehicle

PCT - Precommercial thinning

PD - Public domain

PL - Public Law

PLO - Public Land Order

PRMP - Proposed Resource Management Plan

PSC - Power Site Reserve

NOS - Notice of Staking

RIA - Rural interface area

RMP - Resource Management Plan

RNA - Research Natural Area

ROD - Record of Decision

RR(s) - Riparian Reserve(s)

R&PP - Recreation and Public Purposes Act

SCFL - Suitable Commercial Forest Land

SEIS - Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement

SFP(s) - Special Forest Product(s)

SO - Secretarial Order

SRMA - Special Recreation Management Area

T&E - Threatened and Endangered (species)

TPCC - Timber Production Capability Classification

USCG - United States Coast Guard

USFS - U.S. Forest Service

USFWS - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

USDI - United States Department of the Interior

VRM - Visual Resource Management

WPD - Water Power Designation

WSA - Wilderness Study Area