/* FILE ARCHIVED ON 13:54:55 Jan 17, 2009 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE AN OPENWAYBACK INSTANCE ON 8:12:07 Oct 7, 2024. JAVASCRIPT APPENDED BY OPENWAYBACK, COPYRIGHT INTERNET ARCHIVE. ALL OTHER CONTENT MAY ALSO BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT (17 U.S.C. SECTION 108(a)(3)). */ /** * Generated by Syntax at 2009-01-16 18:54:15 */ /*********************************************************************************** * (c) Ger Versluis 2000 version 5.411 24 December 2001 (updated Jan 31st, 2003 by Dynamic Drive for Opera7) * For info write to menus@burmees.nl * * You may remove all comments for faster loading * ***********************************************************************************/ var NoOffFirstLineMenus=8; // Number of first level items var LowBgColor='#FF6600'; // Background color when mouse is not over var LowSubBgColor='#D0EFF4'; // Background color when mouse is not over on subs var HighBgColor='black'; // Background color when mouse is over var HighSubBgColor='#A9D4DB'; // Background color when mouse is over on subs var FontLowColor='black'; // Font color when mouse is not over var FontSubLowColor='#330066'; // Font color subs when mouse is not over var FontHighColor='white'; // Font color when mouse is over var FontSubHighColor='#330066'; 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// Arrow source, width and height function BeforeStart(){return} function AfterBuild(){return} function BeforeFirstOpen(){return} function AfterCloseAll(){return} // Menu tree // MenuX=new Array(Text to show, Link, background image (optional), number of sub elements, height, width); // For rollover images set "Text to show" to: "rollover:Image1.jpg:Image2.jpg" Menu1=new Array("rollover:/menu/nav_home.gif:/menu/nav_homeOn.gif","/","",0,23,45); Menu2_1=new Array( "Appliance and Equipment Standards", "/section/topic/appliances/", "", 0,20,260 ) Menu2_2=new Array( "Buildings", "/section/topic/buildings/", "", 0,20,260 ) Menu2_3=new Array( "Federal Energy Use", "/section/topic/fedenergy/", "", 0,20,260 ) Menu2_4=new Array( "Financing Energy Efficiency", "/section/topic/financingee/", "", 0,20,260 ) Menu2_5=new Array( "Home Energy Assessments", "/section/topic/assessment/", "", 0,20,260 ) Menu2_6=new Array( "Hotel Energy Efficiency", "/section/topic/ee_hotels/", "", 0,20,260 ) Menu2_7=new Array( "Industrial Energy Efficiency", "/section/topic/industry/", "", 0,20,260 ) Menu2_8=new Array( "Insulation", "/section/topic/insulation/", "", 0,20,260 ) Menu2_9=new Array( "International Energy Use", "/section/topic/intlenergy/", "", 0,20,260 ) Menu2_10=new Array( "Lighting", "/section/topic/lights/", "", 0,20,260 ) Menu2_11=new Array( "Saving Energy in Schools", "/section/topic/schoolenergy/", "", 0,20,260 ) Menu2_12=new Array( "Past Alliance Presentations", "/section/topic/presentations/", "", 0,20,260 ) Menu2_13=new Array( "Windows", "/section/topic/windows/", "", 0,20,260 ) Menu2_14=new Array( "Recursos en Español", "/section/topic/enespanol/", "", 0,20,260 ) Menu2=new Array("rollover:/menu/nav_topics.gif:/menu/nav_topicsOn.gif","/section/topic/","",14,23,51); 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