12.09.10 By: Zachary Wilson

    Study Finds Gay Teens Punished More Harshly Than Straight Teens for Same Crimes

    As if the gay teenage experience could get any more difficult, according to a new study out of Yale, gay teens receive harsher punishments than straight teens for the same crime, despite being less violent overall. The study, published this month by Pediatrics, finds that "nonheterosexual" youth are up to three times more likely to be punished for minor offenses such as shoplifting, underage drinking, or running away when compared to straight youth.

    "Our analysis found that, consistently, gay and bisexual youth were at a greater risk of being punished by school and criminal-justice authorities than their straight peers who exhibited the same behaviors," said Kathryn Himmelstein, one of the study leaders.

    The study also finds that females were punished most harshly among the groups, which is great news for lesbian teens.


    12.08.10 By: Dave White

      'The A List New York' Reunion Show -- 'With Tongues Swirling'

      The incomplete cast of six (WHERE IS TJ?) sit on overdesigned "fancy" couches that look as though they were dipped in metallic turd. And still, somehow, gays are able to sell the myth of superior taste to the rest of the world. It's a mystery.

      Their Andy Cohen is Wendy Williams, who apparently watches the show and has opinions that she expresses not only with her words but whenever one of the guys is speaking and the camera cuts back to her and her exuberantly flashing eyes.

      And on the eyes front, Ryan is wearing fake eyelashes for the occasion. Wendy notices this. Praises him for his attention to detail. And she's right, the "individuals" (I had to go look up that one) do make him look more and more beautiful and princess-like every time he blinks.

      Each guy gets his own montage. Reichen and Rodiney breaking up and making up, Austin causing trouble, Derek being bitchy, Rodiney subtitled and confused and demanding "to be happy," Ryan undergoing cosmetic procedures, and Mike having a life not related to this show whatsoever. (Wendy to him as he's seated far left, curled away from the others on the couch, wearing the jacket from the "Beat It" video: "What are you doing here?")


      12.07.10 By: Dave White

        Bryan Safi Enlists Derek's Help to Get on 'The A List: Los Angeles.' Now It's 'Real'

        You guys, That's Gay host Bryan Safi really needs to be on The A-List: Los Angeles. And now he's got A-List: New York's Derek "I Hope You Get Cancer" Whatever-His-Last-Name-Is on as a That's Gay guest to help him with his quest.

        Derek knows how to play the reality show game and hopefully provided off-camera tips and tricks to getting cast on the show. Because this is important. It's really really really really really important. Don't Ask Don't Tell-level stuff.

        Because if Bryan Safi (full disclosure: we're Facebook friends and we ate cheeseburgers together once and it was great) can achieve the goal of making A-List: Los Angeles even more stupider, that's a homosexual victory for everyone.

        Go join his Facebook page, and Betty White him onto Logo. Do this now.


        12.06.10 By: Dave White

          Awesome Guys Bring Banned Art Back to Smithsonian on an iPad

          Getting you up to speed with the facts:

          A current exhibit at the Smithsonian about gay influence in art history recently had one piece removed thanks to anti-gay groups and Republicans like John Boehner threatening the institution's funding. The piece was the late David Wojnarowicz video, Fire in My Belly.

          Rightfully, citizens who care about art and censorship and the persecution of gay people are outraged by this removal, including friend of Wojnarowicz and collaborator, singer Diamanda Galas, whose blistering editorial on the subject can be found here.

          But our new heroes are two men who walked right into the space with an iPad, played Fire in My Belly on it and tried to hand out fliers telling museum visitors what was going on. They also filmed themselves doing this. Watch their video and see them ACT UP in the coolest, most collected way ever. Their names are Michael Iacovone and Mike Blasenstein, and they are excellent.

          Hey Ellen, bring these guys on as guests; they just got gay-bullied by the Smithsonian.


          12.06.10 By: Zachary Wilson

            LPGA Votes to Allow Transgendered Women to Compete

            A few weeks ago we told you about Lana Lawless, the trans golfer who was disqualified from participating in tournaments because of a requirement that the golfers must be "female at birth." Lawless gathered a gaggle of lawyers to sue the LPGA for the right to compete and apparently her efforts have paid off -- the LPGA has voted to remove the "female at birth" requirement from its official rules.

            According to CBS News, the decision was voted on by the players, who met last week at their year-end meeting and voted against the female at birth rule. Lawless, 57, should be able to compete when the revised policy goes into effect. Congrats to Lawless for taking a stand, and thanks to the LPGA for voting in a progressive way.


            12.02.10 By: Kurt B. Reighley

              John Grant Gets His MOJO Working

              Faithful Queersighted readers will remember our enthusiastic interview with John Grant earlier this year, in which the singer-songwriter likened attending public school as a gay teenager to being attacked by monstrous space aliens. Well we're not the only ones smitten with Grant: MOJO magazine, the leading UK glossy for rabid, mouth-breathing music fans, just named his 2010 debut, Queen of Denmark, as its choice for the #1 Album of the Year -- ahead of better-known contenders including The Arcade Fire, MGMT, and the Black Keys.

              When contacted for his reaction, Grant responded with a hefty dose of self-deprecation: "I really can't believe it. I'm speechless. It's a very, very, very big deal for me. I tell myself it's a mistake, or that the staff feels sorry for me."

              In a fortuitous bit of timing, the news arrives just as Grant begins a new North American tour (dates below). While you wait for him to roll into your town, check out the video for his latest single, "Chicken Bones," after the jump.

              John Grant North American Tour Dates

              12/4 Chicago, IL Schuba's Tavern
              12/6 Toronto, ON Music Gallery
              12/8 New York, NY Mercury Lounge
              12/10 Philadelphia, PA World Café Live Upstairs
              12/11 Brooklyn, NY The Rock Shop
              12/15 San Francisco, CA Swedish American Hall
              12/16 Los Angeles, CA Gene Autry Museum, Heritage Court
              12/17 Portland, OR Doug Fir Lounge
              12/18 Seattle, WA High Dive
              12/19 Vancouver, BC The Media Club


              12.01.10 By: Dave White

                'The A List New York' - Shepherd's Pie, All You Can Eat

                Why, after weeks of boredom alternating with disgust alternating with a major superiority chip on my shoulder, do I approach this first-season finale wishing they'd be on more weeks? Like every week? I find myself wanting to check in with these jerks at seven-day intervals now, compare my life to theirs a little and feel good about all the choices I made that didn't involve shiny clothes, botulism injections, cocktails, or torrid nights spent with Marc Jacobs. They're my new NYC Prep. And since that one's never coming back, I kind of need a weekly dose of Derek's sneer the way I needed ol' Whatshisface's stupid hair-flipping and teen-girl-romancing.

                And guess what major finale action went down? That's right, the shucking of multiple ears of corn, arguments over cabbage and jet skis, and a few last moments of people pretending they ever knew each other before the cameras rolled. Like, they literally spend the last bit of the show asking each other if they are all truly friends. It's as close to real as real gets on a "real" show like this.

                How they've grown as human beings, a list:


                11.30.10 By: Colin Fitzpatrick

                  Secure Your Fire Island Summer Share - Complete With Bathhouse - In Gay Monopoly

                  Gay Monopoly BoardRight now, for a little less than you might pay at a guest house for a long weekend in Provincetown, you can own a board game where you can be the king of the gay ghetto. Available right now on eBay, Gay Monopoly: A Celebration of Gay Life will let you live out your dreams of having that Fire Island share with a close proximity to The Meat Rack in a themed adaptation of Monopoly created by The Parker Sisters, a very short lived company that disbanded rather quickly when they were allegedly found in violation of copyright.

                  In the place of Rich Uncle Pennybags, the recognizable Scrooge-like mascot for the original, Gay Monopoly has Ollie Gaytor, some sort of Hanna-Barbera-meets-Tom-of-Finland creature who quizzes players on hankie codes and introduces them to well known historical figures thought to be homosexual. A nice summary of the differences can be found on this web site (you have to scroll down a bit), but some best can be found after the jump: