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Previous editions of this publication resulted largely from the support and leadership of directors of the Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program, past and present, Rob Myers, Jerry De Witt, and Jill Auburn. Dr. Auburn continues to pay a crucial role in its support. Others instrumental were initial co-authors Laurie Greenberg and Romana Vysatova. Margaret Krome, with the Michael Fields Agricultural Institute, and Teresa Maurer, Sustainable Agriculture Program Manager with the National Center for Appropriate Technology, conceived this guide and helped produce its first two editions.

The current guide results from a collaboration of people from USDA agencies working together for sustainable rural development, in concert with the National Center for Appropriate Technology and the Michael Fields Agricultural Institute. This team includes the following federal staff: Susan LeVan, Jean Livingston, and Steve Yaddof — all with the Forest Service; Patricia McAleer, with the Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service; and Greg Taylor at Texas Cooperative Extension, who facilitated funding for this edition of the guide. Other key nonfederal staff were Paularie Crane, Teresa Maurer, and David Zodrow, all with the National Center for Appropriate Technology, and Margaret Krome, with the Michael Fields Agricultural Institute.

In particular, this team acknowledges David Zodrow's leadership in drafting and editing many sections and coordinating the review of the guide and Jean Livingston's careful editing of the entire guide. This updated version of the guide could not have been written without help in reviewing entries by the dedicated staff of those programs. We also appreciate the assistance of Ferd Hoefner of the Sustainable Agriculture Coalition, and Traci Bruckner of the Center for Rural Affairs, who provided information about programs authorized in the 2002 Farm Bill.

Finally, the Michael Fields Agricultural Institute's contribution to producing this and previous editions of this guide has been made possible by generous grants from the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, Jessie Smith Noyes Foundation, and the Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education program.

Last Updated March 11, 2005

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