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NASA / GCMD Learning Center

Student Resource Area

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A teacher's site containing links to earth science image galleries and educational materials.
Targeted audience:
ages 0-12  Ages 0 - 12 ages 12-18  Ages 12 - 18 ages 18+ Ages 18+

list item Land
ages 0-12 EPA for Kids
ages 12-18 EPA Site for Students  Excellent learning site on how you can help protect the environment.
ages 0-12ages 18+ Hawaiian Islands Virtual Field Trip.
ages 12-18ages 18+ MTU Volcano Page  A good volcano page with lots of information and links.
ages 0-12 NASA Earth Science Enterprise For Kids Pages
ages 12-18 US Geological Survey (USGS) Learning Web  This educational site is for all ages and covers some biology, hudrology, geology and geography.
ages 0-12ages 18+ Welcome to Geology Rocks   Good resource for geological information.
list item Water
ages 0-12ages 12-18 Oceanography from Space. If you are studying the oceans, check out this site presented by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center
ages 0-12ages 12-18 USGS Water Science for Schools   What makes water?  How much water is on Earth?  This is the site to check out for all the answers.
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If you can't find a link you are seeking on this list, you can search the GCMD links or
E-mail your question to the GCMD Staff.

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Webmaster:  Monica Holland
Responsible NASA Official:  Lola Olsen
Last Updated: January 2009