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Employment & Training Administration

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Requests for Proposals (RFP) 2005

Contract Application Forms and Instructions

Download the Required Forms for the RFP (pdf format).

Professional and Administrative Management Support (DOL051RP20055) pdf format

The Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration (DOL/ETA) is soliciting proposals to provide technical assistance, research and analysis, reporting, writing, and logistical and administrative support to assist the Employment and Training Administration in improving the quality of services to its customers, and building and operating a high-performance workforce development system nationally.
Issue Date: 12/14/2005
Closing Date: 02/01/2006, 2:00 pm EST
Amendment 1
Amendment 2
Amendment 3
Amendment 4
Bidder List Document

Chlamydia Lab Testing (DOL061RB20063) pdf format

The National Office of Job Corps is soliciting bids for the testing and identification of Job Corps students who may have genital infections due to Chlamydia.
Issue Date: 12/12/2005
Closing Date: 01/13/2006, 2:00 pm EST
Amendment 1
Job Corps Directory J.4
Contract BidPricing Sheet J.5

Job Corps - National Survey Data Collection (DOL051RP20056) pdf format

The U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration (DOL/ETA) is soliciting firms to perform the following basic work elements and tasks: (1) Provide infrastructure/ data processing support for Workforce Investment Act (WIA) reporting requirements and continuous program improvement; activities to include collecting survey data, processing and analyzing data collected, preparing specialized reports for dissemination, including web site hosting activities; and (2) Provide technical assistance and training to Job Corps National Office, regional offices and centers in the areas of continuous improvement, best practices and other programmatic areas.
Issue Date: 10/14/2005
Closing Date: 11/16/2005, 2:00 pm EST
Amendment 1
Amendment 2
Bidders list document
Amendment 3

(DRAFT) Professional and Administration Management Support Solicitation (DOL051RP20055) pdf format

The Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration (DOL/ETA) is soliciting proposals to provide technical assistance, research and analysis, reporting, writing, development and delivery of training, and logistical and administrative support to assist the Employment and Training Administration in improving the quality of services to its customers, and building and operating a high-performance workforce development system nationally.
Issue Date: TBD
Closing Date: TBD

Prisoner Reentry Initiative (PRI) Technical Assistance (DOL051RP20037) pdf format

The US Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration (DOL/ETA) is soliciting proposals to provide technical assistance for the PRI, a joint initiative of the DOL and the Department of Justice (DOJ).
Issue Date: 04/08/2005
Closing Date: 05/10/2005, 2:00 pm EST
Amendment 1

Federal Bonding Program (DOL05RP20031)   pdf format

The U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration (DOL/ETA) is soliciting for proposals to implement and administer a program of fidelity bonding coverage so that people possessing certain handicaps in the job market may gain and retain employment. This Federal Bonding Program (FPB) will serve as a job development mechanism. FBP is an integral part of the overall Workforce Investment Act (WIA) strategy to provide training and employment services to all that are in need of such services in order to obtain a job.
Issue Date: 04/04/2005
Closing Date: 05/04/2005, 2:00 pm EST
Amendment 1

Job Corps Support Services (DOL051RP20027)   pdf format

The U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration (DOL/ETA), is soliciting proposals to select a contractor to provide support services to Job Corps centers. These support services include career development and placement,transition services, pre and post separation services and mentoring.
Issue Date: 03/25/2005
Closing Date: 04/29/2005, 2:00 pm EST
Amendment 1
Amendment 2

Evaluation of the Prisoner Reentry Initiative (PRI) (DOL051RP20028)   pdf format

The U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration (DOL/ETA), is soliciting proposals for an evaluation of the Prisoner Reentry Initiative (PRI). This evaluation will examine the development of employment-centered programs for ex-offenders that incorporate the key components of the initiative.
Issue Date: 03/21/2005
Closing Date: 05/02/2005, 2:00 pm EST
Amendment 1

Impact Evaluation of the Youth Offender Demonstration Project (YODP) (DOL051RP20025)   pdf format

The U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration (ETA) is soliciting proposals for an evaluation of the impacts of aftercare and alternative sentencing provided to young offenders during the Youth Offender Demonstration Project(YODP). The contractor will conduct random assignment at six YODP Round Three sites and conduct follow-up interviews with program participants and controls over a period of approximately three years post random assignment.
Issue Date: 3/2/2005
Closing Date: 4/15/2005, 2:00 pm EST
Amendment 1
Amendment 1 Cover letter
Amendment 1 Bidders List
30 YODP Q Rep Dec 2004 Rollup Feb 23-hawaii
30 YODP Q Rep Dec 2004 Rollup Feb 23-philla
30 YODP Q Rep Dec 2004 Rollup Feb 23-brockton
30 YODP Q Rep Dec 2004 Rollup Feb 23
Amendment 2
Amendment 2 Cover letter
Amendment 3
Amendment 3 Cover letter


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Created: October 23, 2006
Updated: January 13, 2009