August 4, 2000




Additional information has been requested by prospective offerors and it has been determined by the Contracting Officer that this information be made available to all bidders. The closing date and time for the receipt of proposals has been extended to August 18, 2000, by 2:00 p.m. local time.

Keith A. Bond


Contracting Officer



1a. Amend the due date for Task 1 to 120 days after contract award.

2a. Job Corps does not envision development of a new web-based system. The contractor will be required to develop documents in WordPerfect format for posting to any of the following: Job Corps' public website, Job Corps' Internal DOL website, or Job Corps' public Acquisition Homepage. No licences will be required.

The Job Corps public and internal websites are maintained by the Job Corps Data Center (JCDC). The Acquisition website is maintained by a contractor to the Employment and Training Administration.

3a. See answer to question #2.

4a. The JCDC will post all documents to the websites. The operating system for Job Corps' web page is Unix AIX. The internal JC web page uses Novell NetWare 4.11.

However, it appears from Section C.4 that the only electronic versions will be built for Task 2, model RFPs, and Task 3, JCPC. Is this correct?

5a. All documents prepared under this contract should be prepared in WordPerfect format and provided to Job Corps in electronic versions as well as hard copies where specified.

6a. Job Corps has an internal website for access by Department of Labor Job Corps staff only. This is maintained by the JCDC. The contractor will supply JCDC with WordPerfect files to be posted to the internal website.

7a. We plan to post copies of model RFPs on the Job Corps Acquisition Homepage ( to provide potential offerors with an idea of the types of services Job Corps procures. The current model RFP is approximately 130 pages and is available in a WordPerfect format. The JCPC ( which is an internal DOL document) is available only in hard copy, and is currently approximately 150 pages. The other documents which exist in hard copy are:

Procurement Panel Review Guide - est. 200 pages

Procurement Technical Assistance Guide - est. 500 pages

Area Wage & Salary Survey Handbook - est. 150 pages

8a. Job Corps has a Job Corps website (www. and an acquisition homepage ( Both are maintained by contractors for Job Corps. Documents ***

9a. Job Corps model RFPs are available as WordPerfect documents. All other documents are available only in hard copy. Whether or not they will need to be scanned or not will depend on the amount of rewrite necessary.

10a. The need for refresher training has not been determined at this time.

11a. On site interviewing in Regional Offices is not anticipated.

12a. The contractor will be responsible for training site selection in cooperation with the National Office staff, rental of training rooms, equipment and administrative support for the training conferences. The contractor will be responsible for all logistical arrangements, conference announcements, registration, trainers and training materials. Each participant will be responsible for travel and per diem expenses.

13a. Yes.

14a. The 3.5% increase relates to the increase in the total amount of the contract per year. Also, salary escalation's shall not exceed 3.5%. The number of staff required per year is approximately 6.5.

15a. If the offeror does not have an approved company leave schedule, the maximum paid holiday schedule would be the same as federal government employees.

16a. The intent of the leave approval policy described in H.3 of the solicitation is to provide contractor's with a written policy in the absence of an established policy. If the contractor's policy is different from the one stated in H.3, it must be approved by the contractor.

17a. For this contract, the Project Director and the Researcher/Analyst positions shall be considered Key Personnel and subject to the provisions of Paragraph H.9.

18a. If an offeror proposes indirect cost rates that have not been approved by a Federal agency, and is awarded this contract, they would be given a 90-day temporary billing rate per H.26 Indirect Costs of the solicitation. During which time they would be required to submit a complete indirect cost rate proposal to our Office of Cost Determination (OCD) for approval. A indirect cost ceiling rate would be placed in the contract until OCD approves their negotiated indirect cost rate proposal.

19a. Since many of these documents are considered confidential source selection documents, they will not be released prior to award of the contract. Since procurement reform, many of the existing documents are very outdated and will need substantial rewrite. To get an idea of the content of model RFPs, offerors may view specific RFPs developed from the model RFPs by locating them on the Job Corps Acquisition web site (

20a. All professional personnel must devote 100% of their time to the project. Consultants may work on other contracts. Award of this contract will not preclude the successful contractor from being awarded future contracts with the Office of Job Corps.

21a. There is no incumbent contractor performing these services. Some of the original procurement guides, Procurement Panel Review Guide, Technical Assistance Guide, Area Wage & Salary Survey Handbook, were developed under separate contracts, however, these were completed between 5 and 10 years ago. Information on contract numbers and numbers of modifications are no longer available.

22a. Since many of these documents are considered confidential source selection documents, they will not be released prior to award of the contract. Bidders may view RFPs developed from the model RFPs by locating them on the Job Corps Acquisition web site (

23a. Job Corps model RFPs are available as WordPerfect documents. All other documents are available only in hard copy. Some of the original procurement guides, Procurement Panel Review Guide, Technical Assistance Guide, Area Wage & Salary Survey Handbook, were developed under separate contracts, however, these were completed between 5 and 10 years ago.

24a. The 10 primary Job Corps Contracting Officers and their staff who will use these products are located in Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Kansas City, Denver, San Francisco and Seattle.

25a. There are 10 Contract Specialists, one located in each of the regional offices, including Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Kansas City, Denver, San Francisco and Seattle.

26a. Procurement Panel Chairs range between 15 and 30. Each Region assigns this responsibility differently. They are located in the regional offices including Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Kansas City, Denver, San Francisco and Seattle.

27a. Procurement Panel Members are approximately 75 in number. They are located in the regional offices including Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Kansas City, Denver, San Francisco and Seattle.

28a. Job Corps has approximately 50 operators whose corporate headquarters are located throughout the country. Among those operators, several staff would be involved in the training effort.

29a. Estimated to be 5-7 staff, all located in Washington, D.C. except one who is located in Seattle.

30a. There are approximately 100 field DOL Job Corps staff located in the Regional Offices including Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Kansas City, Denver, San Francisco and Seattle. They are covered in questions 24-27 above.

31a. The technical assistance tools will be used by the DOL Job Corps staff identified in Question 30 above. Contractor staff will have access only to the Area Wage & Salary Survey document. Job Corps contractors may be found on the Job Corps home page.

32a. Users are addressed above. Experience varies from new user to contracting officers with 20 years experience.

33a. Users will all have access and capabilities through the Job Corps Data Center. The contractor will be expected to develop materials in WordPerfect format which will be posted to the websites by the JCDC.

34a. Experience varies from new user to contracting officers with 20 years experience.

35a. Technical Assistance tools include:

Job Corps Procurement Compendium

Technical Assistance Guide

Procurement Panel Review Guide

Area Wage & Salary Survey Handbook

Model RFPs

All should be prepared in WordPerfect format, and hard copy format.

36a. The "Job Corps System" refers to all of the Department of Labor Job Corps staff and contractor staff located across the country who administer and operate the Job Corps program. It is not meant to refer to a computer system.

37a. All documents prepared under this contract should be prepared in WordPerfect format and provided to Job Corps in electronic versions as well as hard copies where specified. The Job Corps Data Center will post documents as appropriate to the internal and external Job Corps websites so that they will be accessible to authorized users.

38a. All documents prepared under this contract should be prepared in WordPerfect format and provided to Job Corps in electronic versions as well as hard copies where specified. The Job Corps Data Center will post documents as appropriate to the internal and external Job Corps websites so that they will be accessible to authorized users. Ready access will be evaluated based on the contractor's responsiveness to meeting timelines for initial development and modifications as requested.

39a. The contractor will devise an evaluation form for the training sessions. Evaluation of the Procurement Officials' knowledge will be the responsibility of DOL.

40a. Job Corps has designated an individual to serve as the Contracting Officers Technical Representative. That person will have authority to approve work.

41a. Yes.

written in, etc.).

42a. Job Corps model RFPs are used by each of the 10 field procurement offices. They currently exist as wordperfect8 for windows documents. RFPs are posted electronically to the Job Corps Acquisition homepage for downloading by offerors.

43a. Job Corps has designated an individual to serve as the Contracting Officer's Technical Representative. That person will have authority to approve work.

44a. Job Corps senior management identifies the requirements.

45a. Job Corps has designated an individual to serve as the Contracting Officers Technical Representative. That person will have authority to approve work. Constraints will be identified as the need arises.

46a. Current documents exist in hard copy only. Some are indicated as confidential. Authorized users will have access to hard copy and electronic copies on the Job Corps internal website. Hard copies should be provided as part of the training process to each participant. Updates will be available via download.

47a. The JCPC was developed "in-house" approximately 15 years ago. It has not been fully updated, however, some changes have been made, again by "in-house" Job Corps staff.

48a. Seven calendar days.

49a. Current center contractors are shown on the Job Corps homepage. Information on contract numbers and numbers of staff by category is unavailable and not necessary for this procurement.

50a. Job Corps has a cost model handbook which is an internal document. It is used by procurement offices to develop government estimates of costs prior to procurements.

51a. Not in an in-depth manner. Only some general guidelines will be included.

52a. For this contract, the Project Director and the Researcher/Analyst positions shall be considered Key Personnel and subject to the provisions of Paragraph H.9.

53a. The period of performance shall be 24 months from the date of contract execution plus 3 1-year options to extend at the discretion of the government. In actuality, the total duration of this contract, including the exercise of options, shall not exceed 5 years.

54a. The work will be accomplished at the contractor's site with contractor provided equipment. The contractor will be responsible for training site selection in cooperation with the National Office staff, rental of training rooms, equipment and administrative support for the training conferences. The contractor will be responsible for all logistical arrangements, conference announcements, registration, trainers and training materials. Each participant will be responsible for travel and per diem expenses.

55a. There is no incumbent providing these services.

56a. Forms can be downloaded at under Contract Application Forms and Instructions. (NOTE: Viewing PDF files requires a copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader.)

57a. For this contract, the Project Director and the Researcher/Analyst positions shall be considered Key Personnel.

58a. The Project Director is considered a direct cost. 100% of their time must designated to the contract.

59a. This procurement is a 100% Small Business Set-Aside. A 10% Price Adjustment is not applicable.

60a. No.

61a. There is no incumbent providing these services.

62a. For this contract, the Project Director and the Researcher/Analyst positions shall be considered Key Personnel.

63a. At present Job Corps uses an Acquisition website to post and archive RFPs. Other than that, current systems are not automated. Job Corps is in the process of pilot testing the PRISM automated procurement management system and may implement if it is found to meet Job Corps' needs.

Templates for current model RFPs are word perfect files shared among procurement offices. Other technical assistance tools and manuals are available only in hard copy format at this time.

64a. Since many of these documents are considered confidential source selection documents, they will not be released prior to award of the contract. Bidders may view RFPs developed from the model RFPs by locating them on the Job Corps Acquisition web site (

65a. The level of effort for this project is estimated between 7.5 and 8.5 professional person years. A professional person year is between $90,000 and $100,000. The number of staff needed for this project is approximately 6.5. Additional labor categories are allowed, however the positions cited are offered as representative of those anticipated.

66a. Please see 65a.

67a. Offeror's can determine their own labor mix in accordance with 65a. However, offerors should propose costs within the government's proposed estimate, also stated in 65a.

68a. Principally at the contractor's site using contractor equipment.

69a. Travel is anticipated only in support of the training sessions identified.

70a. Please submit supporting information and "backup" data as described in L.6 Submission of Proposal.

71a. Job Corps does not envision development of a new web-based system. The contractor will be required to develop documents in WordPerfect format for posting to any of the following: Job Corps' public website, Job Corps' Internal DOL website, or Job Corps' public Acquisition Homepage. These websites are managed by the Job Corps Data Center and another contractor. Websites will be the principal means of distribution, however, hard copies of materials must be provided to trainees as part of the training effort.


Cherokee Information Services -

Joy Hughes

1215 Jefferson Davis Highway

Gateway 3, Suite 304

Arlington, Virginia 22202-4302


TJ and Consultants, Inc. -

Thelma Pruitt Jacks

915 Montgomery Avenue

Suite 304

Narberth, Pennsylvania 19072


C&P Management Services -

Karen L. West

380 Sawyer Street

South Portland, Maine 04106


Humanitas, Inc. - Christine Pereira

8630 Fenton Street

Suite 910

Silver Spring, Maryland 20910


Educational Services, Inc. -

J. Paul Rickett

1150 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.

Suite 1100

Washington, D.C. 20036


Research and Evaluation Associates - Deborah Jones

6320 Quadrangle Drive

Suite 180

Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27514


BETAH Associates, Inc. -

Wilhelmina Bell-Taylor

7910 Woodmont Avenue Suite 400

Bethesda, Maryland 20814


Dau, Walker & Associates -

Laura Lopez-Dau

818 18th Street, N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20006


M.H. West & Co., Inc. -

Carolyn Cheatham

P.O. Box 548

Richmond, Virginia 23218-0548


Brown & Company CPAS, PLLC -

Carmen Kinsey

2300 Clarendon Boulevard

Suite 1000

Arlington, Virginia 22201


Valcon Tech - Vern Vallie

1542 East Victory Street

Suite 3-B

Phoenix, Arizona 85040-1307

Alexandria, Virginia 22310


REDA International, Inc. -

Elham-Eid Alldredge, Ph.D.

11141 Georgia Avenue

Suite 517

Wheaton, Maryland 20902-4680


Johnson & Johnson Associates, Inc. -

Efe Quality House

3970 Chain Bridge Road

Fairfax, Virginia 22030-3316
