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Licensing, TT


Licensable Technologies : Materials : Membranes

Technology for Fabrication of a Micromagnet on a Tip of a MFM/MRFM Probe

A method for manufacturing probe tips for Magnetic Force Microscopes (MFM) and Magnetic Resonance Force Microscopes (MRFM). This technique allows precise deposition of ferromagnetic material, coating only the tips of probes.


MFM and MRFM probes

  • Expands capabilities to examine various materials including:
    • magneto-electric devices
    • spin transport devices
    • semiconductor dopant profiles
    • protein mapping

Stage of DevelopmentSeveral probes have been fabricated and used.  Micrographs of the tips are available.

Advantages of the invention include:

  • higher accuracy and sensitivity due to elimination of thermal stresses and parasitic heating
  • lower resonance frequency shifts
  • simplified manufacturing

IP Status: Available both Exclusively and Non Exclusively

Reference Number: 152

S Number: DOE reference no.(s): 94,715

Patents & Applications:
United States National Patent Number 6676813 Issued on 01/13/2004

Posted: 09-17-2004

John Mott
Technology Transfer Division
Los Alamos National Laboratory
P.O. Box 1663, MailStop C334
(505) 665-0883



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