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U.S. Department of Labor
Employment & Training Administration

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Trade Adjustment Assistance Reform Act of 2002

The President signed into law the Trade Adjustment Assistance Reform Act of 2002 (TAA Reform Act) on August 6, 2002. It reauthorizes the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) program through fiscal year 2007, and amends and adds provisions to the TAA program, many of which apply to TAA petitions received on or after November 4, 2002.

The TAA Reform Act:

Use the following links to access more detailed information on the TAA Reform Act, answers to Frequently Asked Questions about the TAA Reform Act, or to view and download a copy of the TAA Reform Act, codified as 107 P.L. 210.

Guidance and Instructions

UIPL 33-03 - Questions and Answers About Implementation of the Advance Health Coverage Tax Credit

TEGL 2-03 - Interim Operating Instructions for Implementing the Alternative Trade Adjustment Assistance (ATAA) for Older Workers Program Established by the Trade Adjustment Assistance Reform Act of 2002
MS Word format     pdf format

UIPL 24-03 - Implementation of the Advance Health Coverage Tax Credit (HCTC) for Eligible Trade Adjustment Assistance/Trade Readjustment Allowances (TAA/TRA) Recipients

TEGL 20-02 - Provides policies and procedures governing the use of Workforce Investment Act (WIA) National Emergency Grants (NEG) for health insurance coverage assistance and support services to eligible trade-impacted workers and other eligible individuals, as specified in the Trade Adjustment Assistance Reform Act of 2002. pdf format

TEGL 16-02 - Health Insurance Tax Credit for Eligible Trade Adjustment Assistance Recipients. The TEGL refers to the process of notifying potentially eligible TAA recipients about the health insurance tax credit.

UIPL 5-03 - Health Insurance Tax Credit for Eligible Trade Adjustment Assistance/Trade Readjustment Allowance (TAA/TRA) Recipients. The UIPL requests state workforce agencies to issue a notice informing potentially eligible TAA recipients about the health insurance tax credit and related requirements.

TEGL 13-02- Petition Form for the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) Program Including a Spanish Version

TEGL 11-02 - Operating Instructions for Implementing the Amendments to the Trade Act of 1974 Enacted by the Trade Act of 2002

TEGL 11-02 - Attachment (Title I and Title II of the Trade Act of 2002)

TRAINING AND EMPLOYMENT GUIDANCE LETTER NO. 11-02, Change 1    Word format    pdf format

UIPL 2-03 - Health Insurance Tax Credit for Eligible Trade Adjustment Assistance/Trade Readjustment Allowance (TAA/TRA) Recipients

TEGL 10-02 - Use of National Emergency Grant Funds Under the Workforce Investment Act, as Amended, to Develop Systems for Health Insurance Coverage Assistance for Trade-Impacted Workers


Proposed Application Procedures for States to Access Funding for Trade Health Insurance Assistance National Emergency Grant (NEG) Programs
The Employment and Training Administration has submitted an information collection request ('National Emergency Grants for Trade Health Insurance Assistance - Application and Reporting Procedures') to the Office of Management and Budget for approval by December 23, 2002. Once cleared by OMB, the procedures will help states access funds for implementing Trade Health Insurance Assistance NEG programs.
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High Risk Insurance Pool Grants
The Department of Health and Human Services' Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services has established a Web site on High Risk Insurance Pool Grants. The site provides information and resources to states as they create and operate high risk health insurance pools under the TAA Reform Act of 2002.
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IRS Form 8885 - Health Insurance Credit for Eligible Recipients
TAA recipients can use this form to determine if they are eligible to claim the Health Insurance Tax Credit.
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IRS Form 8887 - Health Insurance Credit Eligibility Certificate
This is a certificate that will be issued to recipients eligible to receive the Health Insurance Tax Credit.
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Information on Filing for the Health Insurance Tax Credit
IRS Publication 502, Medical and Dental Expenses includes, information on filing for the Health Insurance Tax Credit on 2002 tax returns.
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Trade Adjustment Assistance Reform Act of 2002
Public Law 107-210
(Format: HTML, MS Word, PDF)

Free Trade Agreement Countries
A list of countries that are party to Free Trade Agreements with the United States. Workers laid off as a result of imports from or shifts in production to these countries may be eligible for Trade Adjustment Assistance.
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TAA Reform Act Training Presentation
A PowerPoint presentation developed to help state and local program coordinators implement Trade Adjustment Assistance program reforms efficiently and effectively.
To open the presentation, please click on the link below. After you click on the link, the presentation will open up on your computer screen. To close the presentation, press 'Esc.' If you would like to download a copy of the presentation, click on the link with your right mouse button, and save the file on your local drive.
(Format: PPT, PDF)

Trade Adjustment Assistance for Farmers. A link to the US Department of Agriculture's TAA for Farmers website.

Health Coverage Tax Credit. A link to the Internal Revenue Service's (IRS) website providing detailed information on the Health Coverage Tax Credit (HCTC) available to eligible workers under the TAA program.

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