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Agricultural Sustainability Institute

ASI Poster Display Click here to download the ASI Display Board in PDF format
2008 SAREP/ASI Brochure Click here to download the SAREP/ASI Brochure in PDF format

About Us

Science for stewardship and human well-being...

Our mission is to ensure access to good food and to promote the vitality of agriculture today and for future generations. We do this through integrative research, education, communication and early action on big, emerging issues.

Our vision is a food and agricultural system that:

  • is innovative, adaptive and profitable
  • provides healthy food for everyone
  • promotes prosperity and equity for people working in agriculture and the food system and their communities
  • improves the environment and human health
  • builds awareness and understanding of the food system
  • engages public participation in policy decisions affecting food and agriculture

Thematic areas

Agriculture, Resources, & the Environment: integration of agricultural systems at the farm/ranch and landscape levels

Food & Society: integration of the food system, linking production, distribution and consumption

Education & Leadership: integrated programs for sustainability education and leadership - kindergarten through post-graduate

UC sustainable agriculture team and associates

ASI provides a hub that links initiatives and education in sustainable agriculture and food systems across all divisions of the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences at UC Davis, across the University of California, and with other partners across the State of California. ASI includes:

  • UC ANR Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education Program (SAREP)
  • UC Davis Russell Ranch Sustainable Agriculture Facility
  • UC Davis Student Farm
  • Advising office for proposed UC Davis undergraduate major in sustainability
  • ASI Director Tom Tomich started January 2007
  • ASI Deputy Director Kate Scow started January 2008
  • 24 full and part-time staff of various programs and projects
  • 8 new ASI-affiliated professorships in agroecology, sustainability science, sustainability and society, economics of sustainability, plant disease management/soil microbiology, soil science, pollination ecology, and sustainable animal systems (5 hired, 3 searches underway)
  • 150 other UCD faculty self-identified as strongly interested in sustainable agriculture
  • 150 members of UCD Students for Sustainable Agriculture
  • UC Cooperative Extension
  • An expanding network of other partners

For more information
Please contact: Thomas P. Tomich, Professor and Director, ASI & SAREP
University of California, One Shields Avenue, 143 Robbins Hall, Davis, California 95616-8523 USA
phone: +1 (530) 572-3915 email: website:

To join in our planning process, please visit

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Updated January 25, 2008