USDA Forest Service

Sierra National Forest


Sierra National Forest
1600 Tollhouse Road
Clovis, CA 93611-0532

Hearing Impaired:
TTY: (559) 322-0425
California Relay Service 711

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Projects & Plans - Kings River Project

Documents | Maps


In 2007, Forest Supervisor Edward Cole decided to withdraw his decision on the Kings River Project and to prepare a Supplement Environmental Impact Statement.  On February 28, 2008 a Notice of Intent was issued in the federal register.  On September 12, 2008, a Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement was released for public review.   The format and contents of the original environmental impact statement have been heavily revised to improve readability.  Alternatives to the proposed action were developed and are analyzed in the document in response to the original issues and the new information regarding Pacific fisher.  Here is a link to the supplemental document

Kings River Project Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement


To ease in download times, we've broken the document into smaller sections for those who may be on slower connections or would prefer to download only specific chapters/portions of the document.  All files are in PDF format and require Adobe's free Acrobat player to view.  However, several of the maps remain very large.  We've listed the sizes of these documents next to their names.

Forest Supervisor's Letter

Errata for Printed Documents ONLY

Errata 1

Errata 2

Cover and Abstract

Summary - Will be posted shortly.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 - Purpose of and Need for Action

Chapter 2 - Alternatives including the Proposed Action

Chapter 3 - Effected Environment and Environmental Consequences

Chapter 3 may be downloaded intact from the "Chapter 3" link above or in parts from one of the links below.  It's a large document and may take several minutes to download on slower connections.

Appendices & Maps

Appendix A - King's River Project Historical Forest Conditions

Appendix B - Monitoring Plan

Appendix C - Strategy for Historical Forest Restoration Using Uneven-aged Silviculture and Prescribed Fire at the Landscape Scale (2.7 Mb)

Appendix D - Technical Advice Letter USDI

Appendix E - Description of Fuels Reduction, Site Preparation, Reforestation, Release and Other Proposed Treatments

Appendix G - Response to comments.

Appendix GG - Attorney General's Comments on Draft Environmental Impact Statement

Appendix GGG - Comments from the San Joaquin Water Pollution Control District (image file - JPG format)

Appendix GGGG - Comments from the U.S. Department of the Interior (image file - JPG format)

Appendix H - Modeling Existing and Future Vegetation Characteristics, Wildlife Habitat and Fire Behavior Indices in the Kings River Project Area under Three Management Scenarios

Appendix HH - Fisher Rest Use Probability Analysis Methods

Appendix I - Current Stand Conditions for the Initial Eight Management Units

Appendix I2 -Stand Prescriptions and Allocations by Stand

Appendix I3 - Tables by Management Unit of Stand Treatment Sequence for the Proposed Action

Appendix I4 - Stand Treatment Results for the Proposed Action Alternative

Appendix I5 - Stand Treatments for the Reduction of Harvest Tree Size Alternative

e-Appendix - Spotted owl and Pacific fisher animations, noting the change in habitat over eight management units during the analysis period.

Appendix F - Maps

The maps are currently undergoing revision so a few of them will be changing.  The updated maps will be identified so the latest revision is easily noted. 

Some maps are very large and may require lengthy download times, especially on slower connections.  If you would like a CD containing the maps, please contact Ross Peckinpah at 559-855-5355 x 3350.

General Maps
Maps by Management Unit


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US Forest Service - Sierra National Forest
Last Modified: Sunday, 22 February 2009 at 10:32:28 EST

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