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Seapower Subcommittee Chairman Gene Taylor
Opening Statement
Full Committee Mark-Up of FY09 NDAA (H.R. 5658)
May 14, 2008

 “I want to thank the Subcommittee’s Ranking Member, the Honorable Roscoe Bartlett of Maryland, for his invaluable assistance this year, and to all the members of the subcommittee for their contributions in bringing together this report.  The subcommittee had a number of key bipartisan priorities this session, and I believe this report accurately captures those priorities.

 “In all, the subcommittee recommends $35 billion for Navy and Marine Corps procurement programs; $17.6 billion in Navy and Marine Corps research and development programs; and $387.8 million dollars for the Maritime Administration of the Department of Transportation.

 “This report provides a road-map for the Navy to use in reaching an achievable shipbuilding plan.  In particular the subcommittee recommends:

• Full funding of the 10th LPD-17 class amphibious assault ship.  This ship, and indeed a follow-on 11th ship, are necessary to meet the Marine Corps stated requirement for sea based operations;
• Funding for procurement of materials and equipment necessary for either a continuation of the DDG 1000 class destroyer program or a return to the DDG 51 class destroyer;
• Funding for the procurement of equipment necessary for the construction of two submarines in fiscal year 2010, one year in advance of the program of record; and
• Funding for executing the contract options for the final two ships of the T-AKE class of dry-cargo ammunition ships.

 “The subcommittee also recommends the budget request for 1 Virginia-class submarine, 1 Joint High Speed Vessel, and 2 T-AKE dry-cargo ammunition ships.

 “This profile adds 4 ships to the Navy plan, if the Navy chooses to return to the DDG 51 class construction program.  This shipbuilding profile will set the Navy on a reasonable path to achieve a 313 ship Navy, maintain the shipbuilding industrial base, and meet the goals of the new maritime strategy. 

 “For aviation programs the subcommittee recommends:

• The numbers of tactical and support aircraft in the budget request;
• An additional $247 million for the Joint Strike Fighter alternate engine program; and
• The unfunded requirement for urgent repair to the wing struts of the P3C Orion multi-mission reconnaissance aircraft.

 “For Marine Corps programs the committee recommends the budget request for vehicles and equipment necessary to ensure that the brave men and women serving in Iraq and Afghanistan have the equipment they need to carry out their mission. 

 “Working with the Air and Land Forces Subcommittee, the Seapower Subcommittee recommends approval in the full committee mark of the request for an additional $2.6 billion to field mine resistant ambush protected vehicles, or MRAPS, to our troops in the field as quickly as possible.

 “The committee builds upon last year’s landmark direction to the Navy to construct the next generation of cruisers with integrated nuclear power systems, to now also include large deck amphibious ships.  This action shows the committee is dedicated to ensuring that the future forces of the Navy are not hampered by access to or the cost of fossil fuels.  It is also significant in that integrated nuclear systems emit no greenhouse gas emissions and are therefore the most environmentally friendly source of power available.

 “In other legislative direction, the mark:

• Authorizes the commencement of the refueling overhaul of the USS Roosevelt in the summer of 2009;
• Directs the teaming arrangement between the shipbuilders of the Virginia Class submarine remain in place for the next multi-year procurement contract;
• Allows for an adjustment to the cost cap for the Littoral Combat Ship due to economic inflation;
• Authorizes the budget request for the Maritime Administration of the Department of Transportation; and
• Authorizes $30 million for the Maritime Guaranteed Loan Program, commonly referred to as Title XI loans.

 “I believe that this report funds the priorities of the committee and the Department of Defense and I recommend its adoption.”

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