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Statement of Chairman Gene Taylor

Subcommittee on Seapower and Expeditionary Forces

Department of Defense Aviation Programs

March 22, 2007

            “I thank the gentleman for yielding, and I also want to thank him for agreeing to hold this hearing in a joint manner.  I agree with everything the distinguished gentleman from Hawaii mentioned. 


“Concerning the JSF alternate engine program, I believe that competition and redundancy are, at times, good things.  It helps to ensure that valuable taxpayer dollars are spent wisely by avoiding a sole-source engine supplier. It also serves as an insurance policy of sorts by ensuring that the most critical component of an aircraft has a back-up supplier if one manufacturer experiences problems.


            “However, the critical concern that I would like addressed today is the Navy-projected shortfall of strike fighter aircraft.


“Our ability to influence world events and protect U.S. interests rests squarely with the ability of our Sailors and Marines to project military power anywhere in the world on short notice, without the need for host nation support.  To do so, we consistently rely on our aircraft carriers and their carrier air wings.


“As a result of aircraft inventory reductions following Desert Storm, delays in the JSF program, and aircraft service life-limits, the Navy currently predicts a shortfall of 90 strike aircraft in fiscal year 2010 and a maximum shortfall of 226 strike aircraft in fiscal year 2016.  That's a shortfall of 2 carrier air wings in 2010 and 5 carrier air wings in 2016. 


“Currently, we only have 10 carrier air wings, so this projected shortfall is particularly troubling to me.  If the Navy program of record stays as is, without extending the service life of F-18s or increasing future JSF production, the Navy will have 8 carrier air wings for 11 aircraft carriers in 2010, and 5 carrier air wings for 11 aircraft carriers in 2016.   In the long term, we’re looking at the possibility of 90,000 tons of American diplomacy parked off somebody's coast without the aircraft to make it credible.


“I hope that both panels of witnesses will be able to provide us with insight on the issues that Chairman Abercrombie and I have raised in our opening remarks, as well as what other Members of these subcommittees may raise. 


          “Gentlemen, I thank you for your distinguished service and appearing before our subcommittees today, I look forward to your testimony.”

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