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Readiness Subcommittee
Chairman Solomon Ortiz
Opening Statement
Hearing on the Readiness Posture of the
Army and Air National Guard and the
Army and Air Force Reserves
April 1, 2008

  “This hearing will come to order.

  “I thank our distinguished panel of witnesses for appearing before the subcommittee today.  It is a pleasure to see you all again.

  “Today the Readiness Subcommittee will receive testimony on the readiness posture of our Army and Air National Guard, Army Reserve and Air Force Reserve.

  “The readiness of our Reserves and National Guard is a vital concern for this committee and the nation.  This is especially the case now, given our heavy reliance upon reservists and guardsmen both at home and in combat in Iraq and Afghanistan.

  “It is no secret that all of the services are experiencing readiness shortfalls.  This subcommittee has heard in briefings and testimony the many difficulties our ground and air forces are experiencing as they try to maintain combat readiness. 

  “These reports cause great concern about the ability to sustain ongoing operations as well as potential future missions.

  “These significant readiness shortfalls also extend to the National Guard and Reserves, and in many cases they are more pronounced than in the active component.

  “Training and equipping shortfalls hinder the support that the reserves provide to the active forces.  In the case of the National Guard, these shortfalls also limit our ability to respond to emergencies at home. 

  “For example, the Army National Guard currently has an average of 61% of the equipment needed to support their state governors’ requirements.  Believe it or not, this is a significant improvement over the 40% equipment average of prior years, and I applaud the progress.

  “But 61% is just not sufficient preparation for emergencies at home.  In my view, a 39% equipment shortage creates an unacceptable level of risk for an emergency response force.

  “We certainly wouldn’t want our fire or police services to be equipped with 61% of their equipment.

  “In addition to equipment shortfalls, I am also concerned about the Defense Department’s plan to shift the Guard from a strategic reserve force to an operational force.  This is an historic change, and it raises serious questions about how the Department will resource the Guard to train, man and equip to the level required of an operational force.

  “I’m also concerned about how the Guard will balance this operational role with its existing state missions.

  “These equipping and training challenges are troubling.

  “Today, I hope you gentlemen will help us better understand the readiness difficulties that you face as you support ongoing operations and prepare for other missions at home and abroad.

  “We understand how important your mission is and the Congress wants to help.  But we are relying on you to tell us what you need to restore the readiness of our Guard and Reserves.

  “Gentlemen, I look forward to hearing your testimony.

  “The Chair recognizes the distinguished gentleman from Virginia, Mr. Forbes, the ranking member for the Readiness Subcommittee, for any remarks he would like to make.”

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