Rockin' Out
23 results total, viewing 1 - 20
Before I was a newspaperwoman, I was a radio girl. I remember walking into the old East Annex offices of WMEB during my first week of school at the University of Maine and asking if I could have a show. more
John Brown’s Body drummer Tommy Benedetti may play in a reggae band, but he’s not shy when he tells people that he’s a metalhead. more
This weekend’s first-ever Bangor Meltdown is building buzz around town: 18 vendors, 12 Maine visual artists, eight bands and DJs, four local fashion designers, and Myke Billings in a pear tree. more
I love New Year’s Eve, and not just because it gives me a reason to drink an entire bottle of champagne by myself. I love New Year’s Eve because, like most holidays, it’s an excuse to have all … more
The criteria for being included in my year-end best of Maine music column include the following: I liked it. more
The thing that might most surprise you about local metal band Downsoul is that, well, they aren’t all that surprising. “We’re all your basic kind of Mainers,” said James Nickerson, … more
In the olden days, the town square was the place where the commoners gathered to sell their wares, pontificate on the pertinent subjects of the day, and simply lollygag about, to chat with friends and enjoy the fresh air. more
Strangefolk have a huge fan base here in Maine: Hence their show at the Unity Centre for the Performing Arts on Saturday night — one of the band’s few gigs this year. more
One of my favorite parts of contemporary music is the proliferation of bands that take elements from folk traditions and put their own spin on it. Gogol Bordello. The Dropkick Murphys. Flogging Molly. Devotchka. more
Allow me to deviate, dear reader, from the topic this column usually discusses: rock ’n’ roll, of course. We’ll get back to that next week. more
How do you know when you’ve made it as a band? For Massachusetts-based rockers The Brew, it was meeting the first fan so diehard she had the band’s logo tattooed on her back. more
A couple of weeks ago, I drove out to Pet Quarters, looked carefully through the tropical fish section, and selected a purple, pink and blue-colored betta. more
At the age of 22, Christian Cuff was living under the 59th Street Bridge in Manhattan. He had 200 bucks and a guitar to his name. Ostensibly in New York City to try to make a break as a songwriter, he discovered things didn’t quite work out as planned. more
Dreamosaic forges on with a lighter load Losing three members of a five-piece band has at least one upshot — the remaining two musicians can sell the van. more
It takes guts to get up in front of a crowd and play music. Even if you’ve been doing it for decades and it “ain’t no thang,” it still takes a healthy dose of self-confidence to put yourself … more
Ryan Montbleau doesn’t travel with a tour rider, per se. The man and his band may crisscross the country several times a year, but they aren’t exactly Led Zeppelin. more
Paul Waring wasn’t working on the railroad or the chain gang when he started singing the blues. He was doing it Pine Tree State style. Back to that same old place — sweet home Brooklin, … more
Gather 'round me, children, and hear the tale of Stiff Whisker and the Driftwood Kids. At least, what we can glean from what remains of the story. We're pretty sure it involves a magical crystal, a dude with muttonchops and aviator sunglasses, and a several rounds of Jager bombs. The rest has been lost in the sands of time - but the legend lives on in five musicians from Hancock County. more
It’s the simple things that really make a difference. An iced coffee on a hot summer day. Finding a dollar on the sidewalk. Reruns of “The Golden Girls” (R.I.P. Estelle Getty). Taking goofy pictures of yourself in front of the Paul Bunyan statue. more
Naming your band after the Norse god of trickery and change is kind of like walking around with a "kick me" sign on the back of your shirt: you're just asking for it. more
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