Pat LaMarche
23 results total, viewing 1 - 20
Am I counting down the days, weeks, hours and seconds? As that now infamous politician from Alaska would say, “You betcha!” more
John Travolta’s 16-year-old son died. How unspeakably sad! Wealth, talent, fame, and still there’s nothing a man can do when something dreadful happens to his child. My heart breaks for him. One life — gone — reminds us how important all life is. more
Wow, just a few hours left. There have been many 2008 recaps; we certainly don’t need another one. It’s not that I don’t care about the year’s big moments — it’s just that I figure … more
Some folks can’t stop daydreaming about what others do in private. more
Last week the Pew Center on the States sponsored a summit called “Voting in America — The Road Ahead,” which detailed our ballot booth access inconsistencies. more
Today is a pretty important anniversary. Sixty years ago the world’s self-proclaimed civilized countries got together and signed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. more
Just in case you are keeping track, I thought you’d like to know the score. Number of people killed on U.S. soil in 2008 terrorist attacks: zero. Number killed by holiday shoppers this past Friday: … more
Lame ducks: Why not open your homes to those who have served in the hell of war while you served in the comfort of the White House? more
I’m staying just a few blocks from Jefferson Davis Parkway. His statue has withstood everything the elements could throw at it since it was set in place back in 1902. more
“D’oh!" That's Homer Simpson, who could now be hired as a spokesman by the Republican national leadership. more
Well, yesterday was Election Day and you know a whole lot more about the decisions that we all made than I do. more
Move over “Meet the Press.” Make way for “meet the freshly pressed!” more
This past summer the Smithsonian magazine featured a story about human evolution. Scientists believe that all human life originated in Africa and then spread throughout the world. In fact, they believe that humans have only been in the Americas for about 20,000 years. more
I got an e-mail yesterday afternoon from a friend of mine who worked on my 2004 campaign for U.S. vice president. He was pretty disheartened with the way things have been going the last four years and asked if I could explain the stock market crisis and what’s happening in the world — because after years of activism and giving a damn — he feels like giving up. more
I’m not real sure what emotions O.J. Simpson is feeling right now; but I bet triskaidekaphobia is one of them. Triskaidekaphobia is the fear — some say irrational fear — of the number 13. I … more
I did a Web search for the world’s dullest person — I wanted to let him or her know that this past Friday they lost their title. more
Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. American, you now own a few investment firms, banking and lending institutions, and a really big insurance company. more
Last weekend the Massachusetts School of Law sponsored a forum. Some of the country’s greatest legal minds were there. Among them also were one or two brilliant Brits. more
Every so often, we should look back and remember those who have made history. Like Dred Scott, the black man who lived for years, up north, with the white people who “owned” him. more
The first time I can remember feeling personally insulted by a political commentator was back in 1988. It was the Republican Convention and they named George H.W. Bush their nominee for president. more
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