68 results total, viewing 1 - 20
The fixes proposed by Gov. John Baldacci for the looming shortfall in the two-year state budget cycle that begins July 1 include flat funding K-12 support from the state. So instead of the state … more
The Baldacci plan calls for cutting 219 positions, including 139 layoffs. Should more jobs be cut? Are the cuts fairly distributed across departments? Where would you have cut? more
At the present, single state employees bear no portion of the cost of health insurance. The governor is calling for single state employees making $50,000 or more to contribute 5 percent to the cost … more
The governor could have avoided a good portion of the spending cuts by adopting a 1 percent sales tax hike. It could begin May 1 and roll-back on Oct. 31, thereby impacting out-of-state visitors in … more
Palestinians broke a cease fire with Israel in recent weeks by again firing missiles at Israel. Israel responded with far deadlier missiles, and is now invading the small Palestinian territory. Is … more
MPBN has announced it will stop transmitting its TV and radio programs from Calais and Fort Kent for at least six months to save funds. Residents of Washington and Aroostook counties have protested … more
The normally low-profile Caroline Kennedy, the only surviving offspring of President John Kennedy, is working to build support for Gov. David Paterson to appoint her to the Senate seat left … more
The state and nation's aging population raises the question of whether and how elderly drivers should be evaluated. Should they be required to take a written and road test at 65, 68, 70 and so on? Or … more
Though the weekend ice storm impacted Southern Maine in terms of power outages more than central, eastern and northern parts of the state, many did lose electricity. Are Maine's electric … more
Gov. John Baldacci, in a recent radio address, warned Mainers that low fuel prices won't last long. Will gas prices track with the economy, and when the economy improves, they will rise? Or … more
If the statue of Saddam Hussein being torn down in Baghdad was the iconic image marking the successful invasion of Iraq, is the image of an Iraqi journalist throwing his shoes at President Bush a … more
Investigators say Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich was trying to sell the state's Senate seat left vacant when Barack Obama won the presidential election. The governor is also accused … more
First it was Afghanistan, the country that harbored al-Qaida and its leader, Osama bin Laden. Then, President Bush said Iraq was "the central front in the global war on terror." Recent events … more
Along with much of the nation, Bangor saw big changes when so-called urban renewal policies were implemented in the 1950s and 1960s. The policies meant a shift from emphasizing the downtown … more
Last week, Rep. Hannah Pingree of North Haven was elected Speaker of the House, Libby Mitchell of Vassalboro was chosen by her peers as Senate President, and Rep. Janet Mills was chosen by … more
Maine, compared to other states, is generous in what it offers low-income, elderly and disabled residents through social service programs. But this comes at a cost; about a third of the state … more
Maine’s 124th Legislature will be sworn in this week. What should be lawmakers’ top priorities? Balancing the budget, in the face of declining revenues, will be a major focus. Where should they … more
The United States is searching for the appropriate response to the terrorist attacks in Mumbai, without souring relations with India and neighboring Pakistan. Should more pressure be put on the … more
Highway deaths are down in Maine. Are Mainers becoming better drivers? Or did they simply drive less (in part because of high gas prices earlier this year) and, therefore, have less chance of being … more
Is a religion anything its adherents say it is? Members of the Temple of Advanced Enlightenment in Bangor consider smoking marijuana a sacrament. They must also perform community service and are … more
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