171 results total, viewing 1 - 20
Our country celebrates the extraordinary civil rights achievements of Martin Luther King Jr. on Monday with a national holiday commemorating his birthday. In that same spirit, the Committee on Indian … more
The American Jewish relationship with Israel has always been close. Israel is our spiritual homeland, and most of us feel a strong tie to both the place and the people. We worry when Israel is under attack, and we pray for an end to war. more
I believe America works much better with a more level playing field in terms of incomes. more
As a practicing board certified obstetrician/gynecologist of 22 years, I feel that it is necessary to clarify a few issues brought forth in the recent support of midwifery home deliveries, “Support home birthing” (BDN letters, Jan. 1). more
If American Jews do not speak out against the slaughter of children in schools and in their beds, they are complicit with those acts. more
I quit driving when I turned 90, and I’m glad of it. more
Bailouts and stimulus packages may create a positive short-run gyration in the markets, but they won’t solve the problem because they do not address the problem. more
I applaud the Bangor Daily News for drawing attention to a difficult and growing problem in rural Maine: senior transportation. I must, however, take exception to some of the impressions left by the … more
At a time when many are resolving to make 2009 the year they finally get in shape, I’m suggesting that nonprofit board members consider a similar resolution. Rather than physical shape, however, I think they need to assess their leadership fitness. more
Rape Crisis Assistance and Prevention, a Waterville-based nonprofit agency that provided services to victims of sexual violence in northern Kennebec and Somerset counties for 25 years, closed its … more
Being smart in philanthropy is much the same as being smart in business. As our economy continues to sour, it is more important than ever to help Maine people focus on how to best help each other. more
If I were a terrorist, I would have some New Year’s resolutions. I would be heartened that my recent efforts in places such as Mumbai were a propaganda success but discouraged that the U.S. has relegated me to hiding in my cave, looking constantly over my shoulder and wondering how my financial influence has dwindled. more
Health care, says the man most concerned with that 17 percent of America’s economy, can be “a nation-ruining issue.” As Michael Leavitt ends four years as secretary of health and human … more
The Dec. 18 OpEd by Stephanie Clement, “New firearms rule will make national parks less safe,” misses on several important points. The argument that allowing concealed carrying of firearms for … more
A penalty is a punishment imposed upon an individual or organization for not following a rule or law. Drive too fast — pay a fine. Grab a facemask — 15 yards. more
I was driving my daughter to school recently when she noticed a man standing on a street corner in Bangor. He was wearing several layers of clothing, some of which appeared tattered and old. He … more
Those of us at Maine Public Broadcasting Network appreciate the BDN’s supportive editorial in Tuesday's edition. There are a few additional points we would like to make. First, shutting off … more
What makes politicians tick? Do their votes on legislation usually support their own constituents' interests? Do they vote to favor special interest groups that make large contributions to their campaign war chests? Or do they vote according to their personal beliefs or ideologies? Or, finally, is the answer all of the above? more
The best friend the Atlantic salmon has are the thousands of men and women who angle for them throughout the world. more
The holiday season is a time of festivities, giving and reflection. One of the most valuable gifts you can give your child and your community can’t be purchased and costs nothing. The ultimate gift is a contribution to a culture change around the use of alcohol. more
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