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Message From Our Agency

A quality education is the fundamental right of every child in Tennessee.

The department provides many services, and it is our responsibility to ensure equal, safe, and quality learning opportunities for all students, pre-kindergarten through 12th grade.

Therefore, our mission is to help teachers teach and children learn....More

More about Commissioner Huffman

U.S. House Committee on Education and Labor Testimony - July 27, 2011download pdf file.

Elementary and Secondary Education Act (NCLB) Flexibility Request

The Tennessee Department of Education has officially requested a waiver from certain portions of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, known as No Child Left Behind. If approved, the waiver would allow Tennessee to adopt a new accountability model and be a significant driver for improving instruction and increasing student achievement.

ESEA Waiver Applicationdownload pdf file

U.S. Department of Education's Overview of ESEA Flexibility

Tennessee Educator Acceleration Model (TEAM)

This year, educators across Tennessee will begin using the new teacher evaluation system, the Tennessee Educator Acceleration Model (TEAM). Additional information about TEAM, including valuable tools and resources, is available hereExit TDOE website. These pages will be updated regularly, so please check back often for the most current information.

Please watch this message from Commissioner Kevin Huffman on teacher evaluation

2011 TCAP Results

The 2010-11 Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program (TCAP) achievement test results are now available. The data tables show the percentage of students who scored at the below basic, basic, proficient, and advanced levels in grades 3-8 in all school systems, as well as the percent growth over last year. High school end of course results and adequate yearly progress determinations under No Child Left Behind are not yet finalized and will likely be released in the coming weeks.

State TCAP Results Grades 3-8

By Grade

Tables show student performance separated by grade level within each school system.

System Totals

Tables show combined grades 3-8 student performance for each school system.

Excel file containing all datadownload Excel file (right-click for option to save)

TDOE Headlines

Commissioner Huffman previews and discusses Tennessee’s application for an ESEA waiver

Tennessee Department of Education Strategic Plandownload pdf file

Featured Sites

link to TVAAS restriced login site Link to Electronic Learning Center Swine Flu logo and link to Tennessee Diploma Project link to Expect More Achieve More website

American Recovery & Reinvestment Act

link to American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

President Barack Obama recently signed into law the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, which is an unprecedented effort to improve education and the economy, and create or save millions of jobs.

Included in the package is some $115 billion in education aid for states across the country. The Tennessee Department of Education will serve as a clearing house for information regarding how these dollars will impact our state and school systems.

More Information