Bangor man faces explosives charge

BANGOR, Maine — A local man was arrested on Sunday after police determined that a device he had that looked like a stick of dynamite, was in fact an explosive.

Charles Carl III, 36, was arrested at his Cedar Street apartment around 11:30 a.m. Sunday after Maine state troopers searched his home for any additional explosive devices.

Trooper Mike Johnston stopped Carl because he was driving erratically in Orono on Dec. 30, and during the traffic stop found the explosive device, a dangerous knife and pills that were not prescribed to him.

Investigator Stu Jacobs of the State Fire Marshal’s Office told Johnston that the explosive found on Carl is used in commercial fishing in California to scare seals away from pens where harvested fish are held.

A “seal bomb” looks like a small stick of dynamite, with a fuse on one end, and is classified as high explosives by the federal government. The federal Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms requires a permit to detonate them, the ATF Web site states.

Carl did not say why he had the explosive, which was found in his pocket, the trooper said. No additional explosives were found in the search of his Bangor home, Johnston said.

The dangerous knife is described as a dagger with a fist-grip and sheath, and the pills were phenobarbital, a sedative and seizure medication.

Carl was charged with criminal use of explosives, a Class C felony, carrying a concealed weapon and possession of illegal drugs. He was taken to Penobscot County Jail and later released, a jail official said.

If convicted of the felony charge, Carl faces up to five years in prison and a fine of up to $5,000. He is scheduled to face a Penobscot County Superior Court judge in March.


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10 comments on this item

Every day I am more and more proud of my neighborhood...or something.

Hmmmmm..... a big knife and an oversized firecracker..... must be a terrorist. Phenobarbital... make his mouth so dry he can't spit on the fuse in an emergency to put it out.

Dont worry, you didnt have any pot on you so you wont have to do more than a month. And whats with this new term, "dangerous knife" ? Lol . I have tools in my tool box more dangerous than that toy he had. Chain saw, long bladed asault type screw drivers lol, or maybe the broken broom stick on the back of my truck, give me a break, were are these people coming from? Animals are equal to humans, pot dealers are the scum of the earth, Stupid toy knives are dangerous. reminds me of the scene from crock dundee, when the boys on the street pulled out there litle knifes and dundee laughed at them. The weapon isnt dangerous people are. well unless you drop it on your foot or something. And to clearify I know its not really a toy but ask any real Mainer and its not a real knife either, not much good for anything except getting in trouble for having it.

I'm The Bangor man that is facing explosive charges. I'm being charged with criminal use of explosive. Very strange since I never used an explosive! It says that commercial fisherman use them. I am a lobsterman and I'm pretty sure that makes me a commercial fisherman. The "seal bomb" I had was to be used just for that. This BOMB is nothing more than a m80 that sinks in the water goes off and scares the seals away from an area. I'm now facing five years for a firecracker that goes off underwater. I'm out of work because of an accident that broke my back and made it impossible to lobster. I'm asking that you please post comments against this injustist and if you wish I could use contributions for a lawyer. If you would please send your comments to Chazz P.O. box 1636 Bangor Me. 04402 I would be forever indebted and greatfull if I had some letters of support to bring to the judge. Five years is a long time for a firecracker Thanks PS don't carry any type of knife that you could use to defend yourself or you too may end up with five state troopers going threw everything in your house.


I totally feel for you, I think the cops went way to far with this, But theres one question you should and everyone else is going to ask you. If you truly are a lobsterman who broke his back and is out of work. What in h.... were you doing riding around with a seal fire cracker in your pocket when your not working, and havnt been for awhile??? seems like a fair question.

Well Chazz... I think the charges are a bit over the top but you did have it. It is listed as an explosive and you need a permit to posess it. The pills also. I would think 30 days and a year of probation would be sufficient. The knife charge is just foolish. Lucky you didn't have any at home... you could have been charged with trafficing in dangerous knives. I know a feller who had a collection of those show daggers and swords that by the way are totally usless as weapons because they are make from recycled tin cans in India or Packistan. They are to hang on the wall and look at. But he had several in his truck when he was busted for speeding and was charged with trafficing in dangerous knives.... a felony.

Anything bigger than a firecracker in the state of Maine is classified "High Explosive".

The old "seal firecracker crime thing," again. The criminal was probably plotting a fourth of july boom noise. The worst kind of class c felon! Aard, hang draw n quarter 'em sher'f. I imagine that a popcorn fart must be a class e felony . And from now on I'm cutting my steak with a plastic knife. If the economy gets much worse I'm going to arrive in Maine with some gingerbread SNAPS so I can go to jail for a few years and get free food and lodging! "Vacationland" ah, yes!

Anyone with a set of steak knives can be busted by the cops. Please give me a break. More trumped up charges with too many cops and not enough crime. Maine has become a Police State.

Welcome again to our great COUNTRY the land of the FREE...LMAO...NOT......maybe when Obama parts the seas and mountains rise and heavens bells ring on inauguration day it will all CHANGE ..NOT

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