Mainers rush to refinance homes, secure low rates
Eligible homeowners urged to shop around for loans

BANGOR, Maine — Gretchen Schaefer of Bangor has a really good reason to want to refinance her home right now — saving up for a second baby.

By taking advantage of the low mortgage interest rates that have become available in the last few weeks, she and her husband can save an extra $150 a month. By refinancing their mortgage rate from 6 percent to 4.75 percent, the couple can bank the extra money to pay for day care costs for a second baby.

“We’re just very frugal,” Schaefer, an instructional technologist at Husson University, said last week. “We figured this would be another way to start stocking up money for the concept of having a second child. Two in child care will be more than our existing mortgage payment.”

The couple should close on the refinancing of their McLaughlin Street home at the end of the month, and when they do they will join the soaring numbers of borrowers who have taken advantage of the historic drop in mortgage interest rates.

The rates have been falling since late November, when the Federal Reserve announced a plan to spend up to $500 billion to buy up mortgage-backed securities in efforts to buttress the distressed U.S. housing market.

The mortgage finance company Freddie Mac reported Thursday that average rates on 30-year fixed mortgages dropped to 4.96 percent this week, down from the previous record of 5.01 percent established last week. It was the 11th straight weekly drop, and way below the rate of 5.69 percent at the same time last year.

Rates are at their lowest since the company started its survey in April 1971, Freddie Mac said.

The average rate on a 15-year fixed-rate mortgage rose to 4.65 percent. That rate was 4.62 percent last week, the lowest point since June 2003, Freddie Mac said.

Rush to refinance

John Reed, president and CEO of Maine Savings Federal Credit Union and of Cuso Mortgage Corp., which handles mortgages for most of the states’ credit unions, said the volume of applications has been “incredible.”

“In the last three weeks, we’ve done almost 50 percent of what we did all of last year,” he said last week. “I think it’s a combination of the low rates — it’s something we’ve never seen in our lifetimes — and something that’s super for the consumer, who can save a ton of money.”

The mortgage refinancing rush is reminiscent of the 2003 finance boom, when low rates and looser regulations meant that mortgage brokers not backed by financial institutions proliferated in Maine, Reed said.

But there are differences. One is that the interest rates are even lower now. Another is that the weaker real estate market and tighter laws against predatory lending practices have contributed to the closing of many of those smaller firms, Reed said. Local financial institutions now are getting a larger piece of the refinancing pie.

“The reason we’re seeing such a huge increase is the local part of it,” Reed said. “That makes a big difference to people — they’re finally getting it. With all the upheaval in the financial services marketplace, people are saying, ‘We should deal locally.’”

Reed said that Cuso Mortgage Corp. sells its loans to Freddie Mac, but that loan servicing is done by local institutions.

Yellow Light Breen, senior vice president at Bangor Savings Bank, said his bank also has noticed a spike in refinancing applications since the interest rates started falling to record lows a month ago. Before mid-December, the bank averaged six or seven applications to refinance each week.

“It’s essentially quadrupled,” Breen said last week. “A lot of people with much higher rates ended up refinancing five years ago, during the boom period. Rates have to get to a pretty low ebb to get to a surge of interest in refinancing.”

Merrill Bank said it has seen a 60 percent increase in refinancing loans this month over the previous month. And TD Banknorth had a significant increase in residential mortgage refinance transactions in December and January, according to Steve Kaminski, senior vice president of mortgage products.

Breen also said that Bangor Savings Bank’s mortgage lenders have seen a “notable uptick” in new home purchases.

“Despite the typically slow period around the holidays, we had 20 new purchase applications in the week of Christmas and the week of New Year’s. In what’s generally a slow time, that’s pretty significant,” Breen said. “That’s certainly a favorable sign.”

Caution to borrowers

Borrowers should be aware that not everyone is eligible to refinance, lenders say. The low rates can be a great opportunity for borrowers with solid credit and plenty of equity in their homes, but those in danger of foreclosure are still sidelined, and defaults are expected to keep rising in the coming months.

“We have heard, at least in press reports, that there are people who come in for refinancing and they can’t, because [their eligibility is] tied to the value of their property,” said Chris Pinkham, president of the Maine Association of Community Banks.

Appraisers are making very conservative estimates of the value of a home, he said, and if the value is too low, the borrower may not have enough equity to qualify for refinancing. When this happens, it can be hard on would-be borrowers, who may feel that banks and credit unions just aren’t opening their coffers and lending.

“Those people complain that they can’t get a lower rate,” Pinkham said.

Home prices in Maine have dropped along with prices everywhere in the country — although declines have been less severe than in places such as California and Florida.

Median home sales prices here declined about 8 percent in November from the same month in 2007, according to the latest available figures from the Maine Association of Realtors. The median sales price means that half the homes were sold for more and half sold for less.

Schaefer, the borrower from Bangor, said she was happy, but not too surprised, that the appraiser found that her three-bedroom home actually had risen in value since she and her husband purchased it in 2004 for $120,000.

“I kind of expected that,” she said of the $146,000 appraisal. “It’s in a good neighborhood.”

Pinkham urged borrowers to shop around for their loans and ask brokers or bankers what the closing costs will be — and then compare the information in order to get the best deal.

“Shop and ask a thousand questions,” Pinkham said. “When you do a mortgage, the bottom line isn't just the rate. It is the whole cost of the transaction. When you buy an appliance, you would shop around.”

The Associated Press contributed to this report.


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9 comments on this item


I have never chimed in on any of these articles but this time I feel I must. I have been waiting for the rates to go down for some time now. I’d spoken with several banks and Mortgage Brokers looking for my best deal. I heard the same from everyone, “they are really low, just give me your social security number and I’ll get back to you”. This was not the way I wanted to do it but it seemed to be the way everyone does business. So I finally gave my information to one of the big banks in the area and waited for a call back, and waited and waited. Nothing! I called back a couple of times and could never get in touch with the same person I talked to, I basically didn’t get anywhere with that bank. After telling my story to some friends at work two other RN’s recommended the same guy. I called to leave a message that night ( it was 8’oclock on a Saturday) and to my amazement he answered! He asked me what I’d like to accomplish with my new loan and what expectations I had. He took all of my information that night and had me pre-approved Monday morning. We closed the loan in a couple of week at a very low rate. I would recommend this man to anyone (as a matter of fact I have many times). I’m not sure if this is allowed but his name is Chuck and he works right in brewer his number is 1-800-935-4803. I wish I knew about him when I started!

We just refinanced 2 vehicles at the local Norstate FCU(4.75% w/ acct. wdrwl). Combined savings of $99 / month.

Is the Public aware of the foreclosures in the area? Their peoples loans in foreclosure and not telling the homeowner. They are doing foreclosures out of the area and getting papers served on whoever is in the area of the home not even the homeowner. This Adhoc team of people who are professional business people are researching these foreclosures and when asked the Bank CEO in both cases were told, "Their is nothing we can do" Yet today we see them raising money for local fuel assistance program.make themselves look good. When behind doors they are stealing homes from these people in our opinion. These people are willing and able to pay their loans but this Bank Bangor Savings wont take their loan money.

When I have been shoping for loans I found no takers, So I got resoursefull and have been piecemealing the components together, I got an entry level job as journeyman carpenter, for the skills. I worked as a mechanic from entry level and have bought an old dozer to fix up and do my septic and landscapeing, I worked as a journeyman lineworker and put my power service in, next spring I will finish sawing logs into lumber with a mill I have access to, It took me a couple of weeks with the help of the owner to figure out how to make lumber. I will own my house free and clear when Im done in a few years. Then I will be elegible to morgage it For 30 years for a new car (that I cant work on) that will last 4 or 5 years and be on the end of a string finnally after all my hard work, Ive never made good money or had a job more than a few years, With a diverse work history in 15 occuputions I dont outsourse mutch, once I figure out farming, None. Become selfsuffenient and learn trades to get to youre goals, The thought of a single carrear that earns so mutch that one can afford to sit back and hire every thing out, Is as fundamentally flawed, as bank robbery for an occupation would be. Teach youre self to fish and feed youreself for a life time, and work twords making all youre dreams come true, As long as youre input is greater than youre output you will gain and youre dreams will come true, All mine have and I have the callouses to remind me.

So ladyinmaine, are you saying Bangor Saving is just going around forclosing on home it has no financial interest in? Here we go with the old "it's the banks fault i can't afford my payment" BOOO HOOO HOOO

Watch out for closing costs people, sometimes a lower interest rate and "added" years cost you more in the long run.... If you are refinancing with little orno closing costs and still owe 25 years on your loan and you take out a 30 yr loan you are not saving any money... it will actually cost you the same or more in the long run (if you keep the home 30 years). :-) Just be careful, I know not all banks and brokers are BAD GUYS, but just educate yourselves and make an informed decision! :-)



There are many options for people facing forclosure. THE BANK DOESN"T want to take your home, it is not profitable for them to do so, there are court costs, selling costs, cleaning costs, and then the homes are not selling for what people owe so that is a loss. It is to their benefit to try to work out situations with borrowers who are WILLING to work with them The point is the borrowers have to try. There are many places out there that are doing workouts for people, companies that have lawyers on staff that do it all for you! The banks gave out loans on good faith that the borrowers will pay the loan back (you signed a GOOD FAITH FORM).... The banks don't owe you anything... YOU OWE THEM... they don't want your home, they want you to make your payments... if you can't afford it work it out with them or sell. It is a harsh thing reality is... We all have to face it and it is sometimes ugly. We have teh ability to "cut our losses and start over" that is the beauty of THe USA.

Tikitorch: Good point about watching for the closing cost. People also need to make sure when they refinance that they are getting a fixed interest rate and not an adjustable interest rate. Some people have already lost their homes because the did not read the fine print when they refinanced and thought that they were automatically getting the fixed rate like they had on the original mortgage.

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