Kent Ward
22 results total, viewing 1 - 20
As I toil, the extracurricular activities of Madoff and Rod Blagojevich fight for my attention. more
The front page story in Wednesday’s newspaper described the state’s plan to ensure that the many thousands of snowmobilers operate safely on Maine trails this winter. more
As the year winds down and the bearded old coot toting the hourglass with the sand fast running out exits, stage left, for the new babe sporting diapers bearing a “2009” logo waiting in the … more
Bangor Daily News editorial cartoonist George Danby hit the nail squarely on the head in his cartoon in the Tuesday morning newspaper. Danby’s sketch featured Joe Everyman seated in front of his … more
At a news conference this week, president-in-waiting Barack Obama heaped abundant praise on Hillary Clinton while introducing the New York senator as his nominee for secretary of state in the new … more
If I were a linguist, I would set about trying to rediscover the perfect words to describe practices that can annoy even the most stoic among us. more
The confused bank customer writes a note to his bank. “Dear Sir: In view of current developments in the banking business, if one of my checks is returned marked ‘insufficient funds,’ does that … more
In my daily wandering over hill and dale under the foreboding sky of an Aroostook November, my alleged mind wanders along with me, pondering a variety of subjects in a manner that can never stand accused of being profound. more
That big sigh you heard on Wednesday morning was the American public expressing relief that the billion-dollar two-year presidential election campaign that cost President-elect Barack Obama’s … more
If we’ve learned anything from this marathon presidential election campaign that mercifully winds down on Tuesday, it is that presidential candidates Barack Obama and John McCain disagree as to … more
Oh, great. Dueling automated negative “robo calls.” Just what this never-ending Presidential Campaign From Hell needs, was my first thought as I answered the phone one otherwise fine day earlier this week. My second thought was that if someone would please just shoot me I should be much obliged. more
One week into my long-anticipated flirtation with satellite-serviced high-definition wide-screen television, my advice to those unfortunates who have yet to make the move is this: If you thought … more
Last weekend, when the government of China boasted how its astronauts had begun a long-awaited space mission that would feature the first space walk by Chinese astronauts, the report on the Web site … more
Old newspaper editors don’t fade away — they just keep on playing editor. Thus it is that I find myself doing mental edits of strange things I hear on television newscasts these days. more
As a highly trained observer, I long ago deduced that people who are prone to attach a sticker to the bumper of their motor vehicle can almost never stop at one. more
The Associated Press news story in Monday’s newspaper was every bit as bewildering to me upon reading it the second time as it was on the first go-around, and I suspect that other readers may have been puzzled as well. more
When the governor of Hawaii delivered her agonizingly slow-paced speech in support of Republican vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin at the Republican national convention Wednesday evening, the delegates in the St. Paul convention hall literally cheered her every sentence. more
The amusements in watching the televised melodrama of the national conventions of this country’s two major political parties are many. more
From time to time there are hints that civilization may have begun its endgame, the final stages of an orgy of conspicuous consumption that on occasion has made the excesses of ancient Rome seem trifling by comparison. One such clue was an Associated Press news story out of Tokyo that ran in the morning newspaper a while ago. "Bunch of special grapes sells for $910 in Japan," trumpeted the headline. more
It was a news story that resonated with a populace subjected to sticker shock at the gasoline pump for too long now. more
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