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All cows eat grass, but at Dakota Beef that grass must be grown on certified organic fields. In fact, our cattle are born and raised on certified organic pasture, land that has not been sprayed with chemical fertilizers, pesticides or herbicides for at least three years. Once the land has received organic certification, pregnant cows must be moved into the field prior to their last trimester for the calf to enter the organic program.

As the calf grows, it cannot be administered any antibiotics or growth-promoting hormones. It must also have unrestricted access to the outdoors. Any grasses brought in for bedding must be certified organic as well, since it may be eaten.

At Dakota Beef we add certified organic grains to our cattle’s diet to give it the marbling that most consumers expect. In addition to the traditional mix of corn and oats, Dakota Beef adds flax seed to improve the Omega-3 fatty acid levels in the final product. Proponents of grass-fed beef often discuss the high levels of Omega-3 fatty acids in their animals, but this can be deceiving, since the amount of Omega-3 in grass decreases as the grass dries. By the end of the season, there might be only a tiny amount still remaining in the grass the cattle are eating. By using flax seed cakes, which still contain a substantial amount of oil even as the cake dries, the amount of Omega-3 being fed to Dakota Beef’s cattle is consistent throughout the year.

It is also imperative that our cattle receive humane treatment during their lives. In the conventional beef industry, cattle are indiscriminately administered antibiotics to minimize the risk of disease. The National Organic Program strictly prohibits the use of any antibiotics on cattle. Instead, Dakota Beef relies on its producers to use humane handling techniques to keep stress levels low among its cattle. This helps keep the animal’s natural immune system working at optimum levels, so they are less likely to contract a disease.

Dakota Beef believes the Certified Organic Program ensures that its cattle are raised in a way that is better for the animal and the environment while offering a more enjoyable dining experience for consumers.

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