John Buell
8 results total, viewing 1 - 8
The first job for the new Congress is rapid enactment of a major economic reconstruction program. Bold action is required by the potential depth of this crisis and the lessons of last year’s … more
The rhetoric surrounding the auto industry this holiday season is deja vu all over again. I grew up in a suburb of Detroit. My parents loathed Walter Reuther, legendary head of the United Auto … more
Prorogue is an archaic, intentionally obscure term being used to hide an abuse that hasn’t gone out of style. Facing the likelihood that his minority government would lose a confidence vote and … more
Corporate America’s attack on unions has been a kind of twofer. Workers rights to fair wages and working conditions deteriorate and union efforts to get out the vote are weakened. more
A Portland friend recently sent me a letter he has submitted to The New York Times: “Re: the blandishments of Messrs. Paulson and Bernanke to the Senate Banking Committee, I am struck by the irony that when the [expletive] hits the fan in the financial markets, we are all Keynesians.” more
What to make of Sarah Palin? Even some of my lifelong Republican neighbors are shocked by the choice, but she inspires enthusiasm among others. more
Another Labor Day has passed. If you were lucky, this was a day of leisure. For many Maine workers, however, the day and the summer revolved around work. Why do so many work so hard and with what consequences? more
My mentor, William Connolly, professor of political science at Johns Hopkins University, recently e-mailed some friends and colleagues a provocative quotation from his latest book, "Christianity and Capitalism, American Style." more
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