Meg Adams
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Antarctica is an international continent. Though countries run individual bases, no nation can make a claim to Antarctic land. This was specified in the same Antarctic Treaty of 1952 that decreed that this “no-man’s land” should be used for strictly peaceful purposes and open, collaborative scientific research. more
Down an interminable flight of stairs, leading from the elevated station to the South Pole power plant, an unheated corridor sits just below the surface of the snow. more
He was on foot, frostbitten and close to starving. His name is Todd Carmichael, and he had just broken the world ski record for speed from the 80th to the 90th parallels — and he did it without skis. more
“Hey, could you go get the Christmas tree off the cargo berm?” As the loader forks pull the large wooden box with “X-MAS TREE” scribbled on it in big letters off a snow-covered berm, … more
Getting supplies to the South Pole requires, at times, more than a little creativity. more
Sometimes — silly as it may sound — you just forget how cold it is here at the South Pole. Once you have adjusted to the subzero temperatures and become accustomed to working at 40 below zero, … more
As the sun never goes down here, time of day becomes pretty subjective. There’s always someone eating cereal while someone else is going to bed. more
When I climbed out of the skied LC-130 airplane at the South Pole, I felt instantly at home. It seems perhaps a little strange that a place where I have lived for only months should feel so comfortable — especially a place as foreign as the South Pole — yet, when I stepped off the plane and onto the Polar Plateau, that’s exactly how I felt. more
The South Pole briefing occurred in the McMurdo Station galley, where all of us anxiously awaiting news of flights gathered over still more mugs of coffee. The small, cold-weather planes that will open South Pole Station have left Chile and are on their way. more
It’s difficult enough to get to Antarctica. One team of scientists has an even more challenging goal: to drill through the frozen Antarctic sea ice — and explore the ocean beneath it. more
It’s a Sunday at McMurdo Station, Antarctica, and we’re taking a trip 25 miles away across the sea ice. more
McMurdo Station — a busy hub on Ross Island — is known as “The Gateway to Antarctica.” In the summertime, 90 percent of U.S. Antarctic participants either pass through or reside here. Some, … more
It was late in the evening when the C-17 that carried me from New Zealand back to Antarctica landed on the sea-ice runway of McMurdo Station. more
“DELAYED” read the piece of paper tacked up in the lobby of the Christchurch YMCA. “Personnel moved to flight P004: Meg Adams …” more
My life is about to change 150 degrees Fahrenheit. I’m exchanging the scorching deserts of southern Arizona for the frigid, polar desert of Antarctica. more
I know right away that Karl Hoffman is a good guy because of how happy his animals are. When we pull into the driveway of his Arizona ranch, two of his horses come out to greet us like giant, overgrown housecats. They stick their noses into the car window and chin the door. more
“Oh, I’d say I’ve lived just about everywhere in North and South America by now,” Skyfox told me. “But I’ve lived on the border longer than anywhere else.” Just crossing the threshold of Skyfox’s house, four miles north of the Mexican border in Arizona, is an experience. His walls are covered with a mixture of art and artifacts from all over the world interspersed with relics of the local wildlife. more
After just a few weeks in the Arizona-Sonora Desert, I realized I had learned the smell of water. It rains on average just 3 to 15 inches a year here; The cacti hoard the moisture, turning flowers … more
“Hold on, y’all. This might be bumpy.” The dozen passengers of the red pickup truck affectionately dubbed “the Roja” braced themselves as the road approached a creek bed in southern Arizona. more
As I sit with Andrea in her small house on Calle Chopo, talking about her family members in Maine, she suddenly looks at her watch. It is almost 7 o’clock in the evening. “Hang on,” she … more
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