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Since its inception in 1966, IRP has regularly held conferences that bring together leading scholars engaged in poverty research. These conferences are generally multidisciplinary and often include academics, policymakers and practitioners. The discussions lead to broader dissemination designed to share findings with other academics, policymakers, practitioners, journalists, and the general public. One such example is the set of conferences that led to the widely used volumes Fighting Poverty (1986), Confronting Poverty (1994), and Understanding Poverty (2001). A fourth conference, Changing Poverty, held at IRP in May 2008, will result in a fourth volume in the series, to be published in fall 2009. The papers presented at the conference are available as IRP Discussion Papers 1344-08 – 1356-08.

Some of the Institute’s conferences are public, some are by invitation only. If you would like more information about any of the conferences listed below, please contact Coreen Williams.

Recent Conferences

Measuring the Role of Faith in Program Outcomes, April 2008

Changing Poverty Conference, May 2008

A State of Agents? Third Party Governance and Implications for Human Services, July 2008

Past IRP Conferences



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Posted: 6 December, 2004
Last Updated: 10 October, 2008