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Admission Processes

    Degree-seeking students (working toward a bachelor of general studies)

  • If you are interested in applying to MU to seek a bachelor of general studies degree, you need to complete the appropriate Application for Undergraduate Admission form. An application fee will apply ($45).
  • Visit the MU Admissions Office web site and follow the steps for applying for admission. The freshman application process is for students with 0–24 hours of previous college credit. You will follow the transfer student application process if you have more than 24 hours of previous credit.
  • You can apply online or download a printable application. If you download the printable version, please follow the instructions for submitting the application.
  • See Admission Requirements to make sure you meet the minimum standards for admission.

    Non-degree-seeking students (Taking individual courses not part of a degree program is called “Direct Access.”)

  • Students interested in enrolling in individual courses without applying to a specific degree program may enroll through MU In The Evening as a non-degree-seeking student. Your non-degree admission process is initiated by you completing a Direct Access enrollment form, which admits and registers you in your initial semester as a non-degree student. After you have been admitted to the University as a non-degree-seeking student, this form is used to complete the enrollment process each semester. NO application fee is required.
  • You will need to complete a Direct Access registration form. Note the guidelines to follow for Direct Access registration when you view the form.


  • Until you are officially admitted to a degree program, you will not qualify for federal financial aid.

  • Students take individual non-degree courses for a number of reasons. If it is your intention to work toward a bachelor's degree at some point in the future, you will work with your adviser, Chris Marshall, to take individual courses that WILL COUNT toward your degree once you eventually become a degree-seeking student.
Admission Process for Former MU Students

    Returning to MU as degree-seeking

  • If it has been more than one semester (not including summer sessions) since your last enrollment, you must complete the following processes prior to enrolling in a course:
  • Fill out the “Former Student Request for Re-Admission in Undergraduate Studies” (PDF) one-page form.
  • Return the form to the Office of Admissions, 230 Jesse Hall, Columbia, MO 65211-300 or fax it to 573-882-7887. You do not have to pay an admissions fee if you paid that the first time you applied to the University. For more information about the Re-Admission Process, visit the MU Admissions Office site.
  • Send transcripts (to the Admissions Office) for all college work completed since last attending MU

    Non-degree-seeking students who are former MU students

  • Returning/current non-degree-seeking BGS students will complete our MU In The Evening Direct Access enrollment form which facilitates re-admission for undergraduate students and the enrollment process each semester.

MU In The Evening |102 Whitten Hall |Columbia, MO 65211|Phone 1.800.545.2604 or 573.882.3598|Fax 573.882.5071|E-mail |A program offered by MU Direct: Continuing and Distance Education a division of MU Extension and the College of Arts and Sciences |Copyright © 1996—Curators of the University of Missouri |All rights reserved l DMCA and other copyright information |an equal opportunity/ADA institution

Last Update: October 30, 2007