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Non-Payment Policy
Students who are dropped for non-payment will be treated the same as those who have chosen to withdraw from the University, or reduce their course load after classes have begun, and will now be subject to the University’s refund schedule. This means that if you are dropped for non-payment, you are still financially responsible for the percentage of course fees determined by the refund schedule.

How to keep from getting dropped for non-payment:

Minimum payments must be made by the monthly due dates reflected on the bills you receive, otherwise you will be dropped for non-payment and will have to re-register with an additional late fee. The late fee is equal to one-credit hour of tuition ($235.90). If you are dropped for non-payment, you will be dropped from all of your courses for that semester (first and second eight-week sessions).

NOTE: You are responsible for making minimum payments indicated on your bills by their due dates regardless of any financial aid, education assistance or third party credits to your account.

MU In The Evening |102 Whitten Hall |Columbia, MO 65211|Phone 1.800.545.2604 or 573.882.3598|Fax 573.882.5071|E-mail |A program offered by MU Direct: Continuing and Distance Education a division of MU Extension and the College of Arts and Sciences |Copyright © 1996—Curators of the University of Missouri |All rights reserved l DMCA and other copyright information |an equal opportunity/ADA institution

Last Update: October 24, 2007