Wood to Energy

This project aims to increase community understanding and discussion about the possibility of using wood for energy in the South. We are generating outreach materials for Biomass Ambassadors to use in communities across the region. The materials are currently in draft form and we are seeking input and suggestions for improving them.

Population growth in forested areas across the South could generate potential interest and a ready supply of woody biomass for energy. People often have a variety of question about using wood for energy, many of which are answered in our Fact Sheets. It often helps to see how others are using wood; our Case Studies illustrate 14 examples of utilities, industries, and facilities that use wood for energy. A number of communities in the South have a reasonable potential to sustainably harvest enough wood to power a municipal building, hospital, industry, or several thousand homes. To find out more about how much wood some communities could economically harvest and transport, click here.

Biomass Ambassador Guide: Table of Contents [PDF]
  Foreword and Acknowledgments [PDF]
  Outreach Guide
  Fact Sheets
  Case Studies
  Community Economic Profiles
  Resources & Appendix
Additional Resources: Community Selection Details [1.4MB Excel file]
  Biomass Ambassador's Corner — updates and helpful resources
  Wood to Energy Outreach Program [PDF]