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Dic 2008 contiene 8 Articulos nuevos.

Duke Study Pinpoints Potential 'Green-Collar' Job Growth in U.S.
Duke University Office of News and Communications - 12 Dec 2008
During the presidential campaign, Barack Obama proposed an economic plan that would create 5 million jobs in environmental industries. These so-called “green collar” jobs do, in fact, present the next frontier for U.S. manufacturing, says a new report from Duke University. Highlighting the direct linkages between low-carbon technologies and U.S. jobs, Duke researchers say U.S. manufacturing is poised to grow in a low-carbon economy.

Green' violations: Environmental Protection Agency has most-wanted list
El Paso Times - 12 Dec 2008
Just when one begins to understand who might be a federal or county

Thousands of Trees Help Make Tampa Super Bowl a 'Green' Event
American Broadcasting Company - 11 Dec 2008
More than one thousand trees will take root in Tampa Bay on Thursday as part of the National Football League’s greening of Super Bowl XLIII.The projects are part of the NFL Environmental Program’s urban and community forestry initiative, and were developed in partnership with local, state and federal agencies.

Conservancy Releases "Green" Economic Stimulus Proposal
Nature Conservancy - 11 Dec 2008
The Nature Conservancy released a “green” economic stimulus package today, advocating for the funds to restore ecosystems, initiate green infrastructure construction, and create much-needed jobs in the process. The package will be provided to Capitol Hill lawmakers, agency staff, and members of the president-elect Obama’s transition team.

Urban densification: Creating Space to Live
CNN - 5 Dec 2008
As rates of urbanization increase, especially in Africa and Asia, close attention is being paid to how and where we live in urban environments.CNN talks to Jonathan D. Solomon, Assistant Professor of Architecture at Hong Kong University about a concept known as

Green Roofs Popping Up in Big Cities
MSNBC - 4 Dec 2008
Suddenly, green roofs are sprouting across North America. Designed to curb air pollution, decrease energy expenses and reduce storm runoff, the environmentally friendly assemblies are adding a decidedly earthy element to urban skylines — a sign that the green roof industry is rapidly coming into its own.

The Green Way to do Christmas
Nevada Appeal - 3 Dec 2008
For the holidays, you can’t beat the festive aroma of a fresh-cut tree that you harvested yourself. The U.S. Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management offer tree cutting permits for $10 and $5 respectively. In addition to saving money, an added benefit to cutting your own tree is that, if you follow the rules, you'll be improving the forest. By cutting a tree that is within 10 feet of another green tree, you help thin the forest for its health. Make sure the trunk is no larger than 6 inches at the base.

National Forest Visitors Down, No One Knows Why
Associated Press - 3 Dec 2008
In the years after World War II, Americans packed up their young families and Army surplus camping gear and headed into the national forests to hunt, fish, and hike. Going to the woods was part of what it meant to be an American. Today, however, visits to the national forests are off 13 percent. Top officials at the U.S. Forest Service blame it on circumstances outside their control — rising gas prices, the popularity of video games and the Internet, and an increasingly urban and aging population less inclined to camp out.