Welcome to EMSC

Centre Sismologique Euro-Méditerranéen
European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre

Current time: 2009-01-17 03:36:46 UTC
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Email and SMS notification service

If you're registered, please enter your email to access to your profile:


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To cancel your notification service subscription, use the link provided once authenticated.

Information on the service:

  • This service does not intend to provide earthquake notifications at a national scale. If you are interested in the seismicity of a specific country, we invite you to contact the national institute (please see the list at http://www.orfeus-eu.org/Links/euromed.html).

  • EMSC provides rapid manually reviewed information for earthquakes with magnitude greater than its local thresholds. The user will receive information on events which both fit the alert thresholds and his own criteria. Information on other earthquakes are available on the page http://www.emsc-csem.org.

  • The customised service is not operated when the EMSC earthquake notification is in degraded mode (e.g., in case of technical failure or maintenance). In such a case, the user will receive information concerning all the events above the magnitude thresholds whatever the criteria he sets.

  • Revision messages can be sent when necessary.

  • The user may receive messages related to event with magnitude lower (by 0.2) that the criteria he has set.

  • If you set 2 regions that are overlapping, you may receive the earthquake notification twice.

  • Users that are part of an organisation involved in earthquake response (e.g. rescue teams, international relief organisations...) are invited to contact directly M. Rémy Bossu (bossu@emsc-csem.org) to explain their needs.

  • Your email address will remain private. We do not share this information with anyone.

  • SMS: To receive earthquake notification on your mobile by SMS, the user must first contact its phone operator to create an email address associated to his phone number and then register this email address and select Format: SMS in your profile section. No SMS can be sent directly to a phone number.

Help us improve our website! We need your feedback to make this website even more user-friendly.
So if you have any suggestion or wish to report a technical problem, please contact webmaster@emsc-csem.org.
Thank you for your time and help.