Club Repair

Are your grips so worn you can see your reflection in them?  Have you wanted to replace that stiff shaft you have in your driver with a regular shaft?  The Birck Boilermaker Golf Complex offers complete club repair services for your convenience.  From re-gripping, to re-shafting, to loft and lie adjustment the Birck Boilermaker Golf Complex is the place to go for your club repair needs.  Please stop by or call the Driving Range Golf Shop at (765) 494-3139 ext 2.

Click Here to request information on golf repair services. 

Yes, I am interested in receiving information about club repair. Please contact me via the information provided below.
Club Repair
Personal Information:
*First Name:
*Last Name:
*Email Type:
 Personal  Business
Address Information:
*Address Type:
 Business Address  Seasonal Residence  Home Address
*Street 1:
  Street 2:
*State / Province:
*Zip / Postal Code:
*Country (Addr):
Phone Number Information:
*Phone Number Type(s):
 Primary Business Number  Cellular Number  Residential Number
*Area Code:
*Phone Number:
*Country (Phone):
Additional Golfer Info:
*Have you been here before:
 Yes  No
*How many times do you typically play per month:
*What is your current handicap:
*By submitting this form, you are agreeing to receive future information from this organization and our partners.