[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 7, Volume 1]
[Revised as of January 1, 2008]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 7CFR1.425]

[Page 94-95]
                          TITLE 7--AGRICULTURE
  Subpart M_Rules of Practice Governing Adjudication of Sourcing Area 
Applications and Formal Review of Sourcing Areas Pursuant to the Forest 
Resources Conservation and Shortage Relief Act of 1990 (16 U.S.C. 620 et 
Sec. 1.425  Judges.

    (a) Assignment. No Judge shall be assigned to serve in any 
proceeding who:
    (1) Has any pecuniary interest in any matter or business involved in 
the proceeding;
    (2) Is related within the third degree by blood or marriage to any 
party to the proceeding; or
    (3) Has any conflict of interest which might impair the Judge's 
objectivity in the proceeding.
    (b) Disqualification of Judge. (1) Any party to the proceeding may, 
by motion made to the Judge, request that the Judge withdraw from the 
proceeding because of an alleged disqualifying reason. Such motion shall 
set forth with particularity the grounds of alleged disqualification. 
The Judge may then either rule upon or certify the motion to the 
Secretary, but not both.
    (2) A Judge shall withdraw from any proceeding for any reason deemed 
by the Judge to be disqualifying.
    (c) Powers. Subject to review as provided elsewhere in this part, 
the Judge, in any assigned proceeding shall have power to:
    (1) Rule upon motions and requests;
    (2) Set the time and place of a pre-hearing conference and the 
hearing, adjourn the hearing from time to time, and change the time and 
place of hearing;
    (3) Administer oaths and affirmations;
    (4) Request the presence of and examine witnesses and receive 
relevant evidence at the hearing;
    (5) Take or order the taking of depositions as authorized under 
these rules;
    (6) Admit or exclude evidence;

[[Page 95]]

    (7) Hear oral argument on facts or law,
    (8) Do all acts and take all measures necessary for the maintenance 
of order, including the exclusion of contumacious counsel or other 
    (9) Request additional information from any party to aid in the 
Judge's determination; and
    (10) Take all other actions authorized under these procedures.
    (d) Who may act in the absence of the Judge. In case of the absence 
of the Judge or the Judge's inability to act, the powers and duties to 
be performed by the Judge under these rules of practice in connection 
with any assigned proceeding may, without abatement of the proceeding 
unless otherwise directed by the Chief Judge, be assigned to any other 