Purdue University - Center for Career Opportunities

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CCO Express

Important Information for Alumni (all campuses)
If you know your PUID Continue to the CCO Express Login Page

All previously registered CCO Express users must re-register (complete a "NEW" CCO Express profile) as of July 5, 2006.

  • The new CCO Express requires your Purdue University IDentification (PUID) number for registration. The PUID is the new ten-digit Student Identification number example: "00123-45678".
  • Note:Recent Grads (2002 to current) Your PUID may be found on your Student Identification card and many other university documents, such as grade reports and transcripts.
  • NOTE: If you can still login to SSINFO you can get your PUID immediately!
  • All Alumni:If you do not know your PUID, please complete the Registration Form.

  • Note: It may take up to FIVE WORKING DAYS to research your request and return your information by email.
  • Login Page