Reader comments: High school football: Dixie school seeks coach

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About time | 12:48 a.m. Jan. 16, 2009
This should've been posted after the season last year. Any coach who can't manage a winning season with a talented team with several D-1 recruits should get the boot.
? | 6:59 a.m. Jan. 16, 2009
pineview and dixie had something to do with not being in the playoffs
RE about time | 8:16 a.m. Jan. 16, 2009
About time are you kidding me! I hope your not from Snow Canyon. There was one D-1 player on the team, and he wasn't special. You have 19 first time varsity starters. An all new position coaching staff, and lack of support from the community, and a coach with his back against the wall from day one. The community pigeoned hole Secrist from the beggining. Just because he wasn't from around here you people ran out a good coach and maybe even some of your current players CONGRADULATIONS SC. I just hope the new coach is handed a operation guide to a messed up machine over there at SC. But that is what you get when you have the inmates run the asylum. SC you people will never change. Grow up let your kids make choices on their own and really support the team.
Comments continue below
Re: Re: about time | 8:37 a.m. Jan. 16, 2009
You're wrong. I'm from SC and Secrist was way too over the top. There's a reason why the community and players didn't support him. His style and tactics were not suited for high school kids. Good luck to him where ever he goes, but I'm happy for the change.
re: About Time | 8:41 a.m. Jan. 16, 2009
Oh yeah that's right you're the D1 recruiting guy, I'm pretty sure Flordia, Texas, Oklahoma, and I'm guessing the Utes call you when there are D1 players to see.
Nice | 8:42 a.m. Jan. 16, 2009
Wake up down south!!!!!The 8:16 am just said it all!Nice, that was sweet!8:16 am, I'm cracking up,to freeking funny.Bam right on the head SC parents.
Interested | 8:47 a.m. Jan. 16, 2009
I hope the individuals that want to apply for this job really do their homework.
Several things to consider;
1. Former and active coaches in the building that will not allow you to succeed!
2. A community that will back you as long as you do exactly what THEY want!
3. An administration that will tell you one thing and do another!
GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Say no more | 8:51 a.m. Jan. 16, 2009
This is going to great by the end of the day."Your wrong he was to mean to my son.His style and tactics were not nice. Good luck to the new Coach just look what your getting.
PROACTIVE | 9:19 a.m. Jan. 16, 2009
About time 2 | 9:21 a.m. Jan. 16, 2009
I am a former SC football team. I was on the team that was second in 3A three years ago. Only a few starters graduated from the team in my class, and we left most of our starters behind. Yet, I watched my team lose to both cross-town rivals and get a losing record.

The problem: the spread. I was an offensive linemen, and I will be the first to tell you that HS linemen, or at least us, aren't big or strong enough to hold the line long enough to make the spread work. In the I, we would only have to hold blocks for 3 seconds before Adam Timo would break through the line. In the spread, especially on the option plays, the line would have to hold for 5 to 6 seconds, which is an eternity.

I for one would have liked to see what a properly coached team could have done two seasons ago with now BYU linemen R.J. Best and 4-star recruit Adam Timo.
Anonymous | 9:23 a.m. Jan. 16, 2009
Who is Jay Shrader?
another article said he was front runner for the job
Re: How many? | 9:26 a.m. Jan. 16, 2009
Several former assistants left the football team after a year of putting up with Secrist for a year. He had a very good staff his first season, but almost all opted not to coach the next year. 8:16 am, that's the reason he had an all new coaching staff, he scared the old one away.

I am a student in my senior year, and I would have liked to see what Timo could do last season under the reigns of Coach Ward, the former running back coach. Instead, he was stopped by anyone and everyone, and I watch my team lose our homecoming game to Hurricane.
Student | 9:30 a.m. Jan. 16, 2009
FYI, RJ Best was a D1 recruit as well as Adam Timo, who is a great kid and worth every bit of credit he gets. Also, Kurt Henderson, our QB two seasons ago spent all summer training with the WR at BYU and he has a pretty good shot at walking on there when he gets back from his mission.

Plus, the team Secrist had his first season also had a 6' 8" TE, and a 6'7" WR. Both were great players and are playing D1 basketball this year and would have played football had they had better seasons. I know Dalton and Seth personally.
JS | 9:30 a.m. Jan. 16, 2009
He's a want a be roll modle
The article says he was at Dixie college with crowshaw
Where is Crow now?
O ya with out a job
He was and is the winningest coach in jr college
Why doesn't he still coach because Jay was on his staff his last year and while crow was in the hospital Jay work his way in and crow's way out.
but they could give a college guy with no degree
so haun can on and got ride of Shrader
where is shrader now
Warrior Nation | 9:40 a.m. Jan. 16, 2009
I go to Snow Canyon and I hope that no one takes the comments that are harsh on SC seriously. Snow Canyon is an outstanding school where excellence is sought after and attained. This year we just couldn't put together a football team with the resources we had.

In my opinion (which doesn't mean much), a great coach is one who can take what is given him and use his resources to the fullest to field the best possible team. The talent pool in the next few years is going to be growing imensely at Snow Canyon. Our starting QB most of the season was just a sophomore and our freshmen class had an outstanding season.

This year, things looked bleak. Several kids had to play both sides of the ball and their lack of endurance showed in the 4th quarter. That was the fault of no one.

Go Warriors!
? | 9:43 a.m. Jan. 16, 2009
Is Coach Parker in the running for this job? Her team and parents respect her as a person and look to her as a source of knowledge in the sport. She knows how to get the most out of each individual player. She knows how to train her team so that when the game comes down to the very end, they still have the endurance and energy to finish strong. She knows how to field a team and lead them to victory.

My classmates have three rings that prove that.
Coach parker? | 9:54 a.m. Jan. 16, 2009
I'm sure shes a team player too
She doesn't even talk to secrest and they teach right next to each other
as long as she wins
her husband coaches football at hurricane
she doesn't want to se SC FB win
Re: How Many | 10:11 a.m. Jan. 16, 2009
If Secrest had all those coaches and couldn't win
it can't all be him
You have to have kids and parents support to be successful
I see now why they didn't help they knew they didn't have the kids
Re Coach Parker | 10:18 a.m. Jan. 16, 2009
I wasn't serious about her coaching football. I was just trying to show some of the attributes a coach needs to have to win. Anyone can see those in Parker. Jacobson had the same ones in his tenure at SC.
re:Coach parker? | 10:18 a.m. Jan. 16, 2009
Actually, he doesn't talk to her. She would but if you really know him he only talks to those who aren't friends with his foes! Secrest was terrible for the morale of this school. 3/4 of the school doesn't even see him most of the time. We have, had a coach that could not see what really matters here, the kids. I hope that they just fill the position from the inside to someone the kids trust and respect. I would also hope that the admin. would consider someone young and vibrant who knows the game and loves to be around kids and see them grow to young men. SC needs someone who will be a teacher/head coach for a long time!
Dixie Player | 10:20 a.m. Jan. 16, 2009
I can't believe that Secrest is gone already! I just hope that we don't lose Schroeder or Franke back to SC, they are awesome coaches who dedicate their time to our lives on and off the field. Good luck.
Huh? | 10:52 a.m. Jan. 16, 2009
Back to the comment where Seth and Dalton are both playing at D1 schools? Dalton is playing at DSC - D2... and where exactly is Seth and is he playing or not?? let's talk truth and not fluff.
It is true that the parents are way too meddlesome and think (entitlement) they can dictate what happens at SC. It is ridiculous because the administration loses their credibility by how this whole soap opera is perceived.
Secrest has issues as a coach and the community has their own personal issues as a whole and the brave soul that wants that job must do their homework and know exactly what they are getting into.
As for Parker, she's winning so all is well for her. Wait until her talent runs dry for a season or two and see how things start to rumble.
Who do they players want? | 11:15 a.m. Jan. 16, 2009
Someone tell the teachers and students @ SC to voice their thoughts
Parker | 11:21 a.m. Jan. 16, 2009
If she has a program the talent wont run out
Jake | 11:22 a.m. Jan. 16, 2009
Jake left 3 times because the talent was gone
bring him back now we have talent coming back
jake | 11:23 a.m. Jan. 16, 2009
anyone can win with talent Jake showed that
Facing the giants | 11:32 a.m. Jan. 16, 2009
Watch the trailer on Facing the Giants
Facing the Giants | 11:53 a.m. Jan. 16, 2009
The admin,coaches,players and parents should watch this trailer
That was great!
joe | 12:48 p.m. Jan. 16, 2009
Welcome to "Whiner nation" its not just football thats a mess the baseball program with big bad Buck and the boosters calling the shots is a disaster. Not to mention the softball team where everybody hates everybody. Its out of control.
dang!!!!!!! | 12:54 p.m. Jan. 16, 2009
the rest of region 9 coaches and players hated to see him go, his teams made eadier for the rest of the region to notch victories towards playoffs, dang, a new coach may change all that and we maybe have a tough time beating S.C. in the future, DANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you kiddin'? | 1:07 p.m. Jan. 16, 2009
Schroeder and Franke had their chance to show what they know. If you recall Schroeder called the offense, with all the -supposed?- "D-1" talent, and Franke called the defense during Secrist's first year. Some of the blame goes directly on them and there coaching ability. Wherever they are...keep them there! We don't need those kind of cancerous attitudes around our kids.
RE: dang & joe | 1:09 p.m. Jan. 16, 2009
dang!!!!!! What is eadier????

joe I think everybody loves each other at SC and supports everyone's programs,,,NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is a situation where everybody supports a winner, only if it benefits their program and if it benefits their kid!!!!!
oh DANG your so smart | 1:17 p.m. Jan. 16, 2009
I dont think they hate to see him go- SC competed in every game this year despite not having any talent besides Timo 14-14 vs. Hurricane at half time, 7-3 vs. Pine View at half time- much more talented teams. Their excited to see him go cuz SC would have dominated . SC won't dominate now though- never have never will.
TM | 1:17 p.m. Jan. 16, 2009
are you serious? about all this... SC is a great program with a lot of tradition ... Couple bad years? it happens to everyone. Seacrest wasnt a good fit for our school. Im not saying he isn't a good coach im just saying he didnt fit for this school. I've talked to some of the candidates that want to apply for the coaching job, and one sticks out to me. And its not Shroeder. And yes he has coached at sc before but not as a head coach. Its going to be interesting to see but SC will be fine.
Why? | 1:39 p.m. Jan. 16, 2009
I have coached with Franke and he is the exact opposite of cancerous. Franke wherever he goes is like a magnet for excitement and great attitude. The kids that have played for him have always stayed in touch and love him, not just as a coach but as a man of integrity. No one works harder to become better at his craft. Although young he demonstrates attributes that a veteran teacher/coaches demonstrate. A great choice and should not be taken down with what 1:07 post said they have no clue. He tried to stay on as the frosh coach and Secrest still said no. If you don't know these people and the real story you should stay off the blogs.
re: tm | 1:43 p.m. Jan. 16, 2009
If they do hire with-in , it had better be some new blood that will not do the same things the past coaches did the last time they had the program.
One of the good-ol-boys that think there is only one way to do anything. It is amazing that these are the very people that would not help or quit and then back-stabbed Secrist????? What a JOKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
re: why? | 1:48 p.m. Jan. 16, 2009
maybe you should stay off the blogs because I know coach secrist- who knows I might even be coach secrist and I know for a fact that franke never asked secrist to be a frosh coach. So how do you say no to someone who never asks? Take your own advice "if you dont know these people and the real story stay off the blogs"
What a joke! | 1:53 p.m. Jan. 16, 2009
Coaches all over Utah are seeing this and thinking they have a legitimate shot at getting the SC job- taking time to prepare their application materials and some unlucky few will be called down to St. George for an interview when the powers to be already know who they will hire. SC just can't break from their mediocre past.
Good Luck | 2:00 p.m. Jan. 16, 2009
I wish coach Secrist all the best. He is a class act and has a wonderful family. Shame on the admin. for the horendous decision. You can't fairly judge somenone after 2 years.
Dick C. | 3:07 p.m. Jan. 16, 2009
The culture of Snow Canyon & Santa Clara, for that matter, is one of hate and back stabbing. The parents are worse than the kids.

S.C.'s Quarterback is a very athletic, talented kid. He is a Sophomore and he beat out a Senior on talent & skill alone. The locals were outraged.

Any coach who fills this position is in for a nightmare.
Anonymous | 3:16 p.m. Jan. 16, 2009
Rick, thanks for giving us your best shot. I'm sure we are both wishing the outcome was better. Best of luck and much success to you....New coaches step up...if you were there in the past two years on the Varsity Staff...stay away. Anyone without the ability to support their Head Coach and find ways to help him and the kids be successfull is not welcome. We need new and fresh ideas from someone vested in SC already...Youth Coaches...Step Up, we will support you. Let's be a school where coaches want to come to
re: anonymous | 4:22 p.m. Jan. 16, 2009
If you want something new and fresh, DO NOT hire from inside the building or in the community!!!!
COACH | 5:07 p.m. Jan. 16, 2009
Please Stop | 5:22 p.m. Jan. 16, 2009
Ward please stop commenting on this blog!

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