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Tell A Friend About Countryside
and you could win a FREE 1 year subscription!
Congratulations to our latest winner!

Kim Pitkin of Moscow, Idaho

Recent Winners

Would you like an opportunity to win a subscription to Countryside, the magazine of modern homesteading? All you have to do is tell a friend or relative about us.

Just fill in the form, below, and we'll send out a short email to let the person know you think they might want to check us out. Your email address will be automatically entered into the drawing. Multiple entries are allowed, so the more friends you tell, the better your chances of winning.

The email your friend will receive is reproduced just below the rules. Click Here to read it now.

Click Here to read the rules.

And thanks for spreading the word!

Winners are notified by an email from with the Subject: Countryside Tell-a-Friend Drawing. Please be sure your ISP and mail program are set to permit email from Don't be an almost-winner who missed out because the notice we sent couldn't be delivered or because you failed to respond in time.

Email fields accept only one address at a time.
Only letters (a-z, A-Z), numbers (0-9), underscore,
hypen, and period are permitted in the fields.

You MUST complete all four lines or you will get an error message.
Your Friend's First Name:
Your Friend's Email:
Your Full Name:
Your Email:

Tell-a-Friend Rules

The drawing is open to all residents of the United States and Canada.

Multiple entries are permitted provided each Tell-A-Friend email is sent to a different person. Tell-A-Friend emails sent to oneself are ineligible.

About once a week, we'll check to see how many entries have been received. If there are 50 or more, one chosen at random. Thus, the odds of winning are about 1 in 50. Losing entries are not carried over to the next drawing.

The winner will receive a one-year subscription or renewal (6 issues) to the print edition of Countryside & Small Stock Journal. Current subscribers will have six issues added to their subscription.

The winner will be notified by email with the subject line "Countryside Tell-a-Friend Drawing." Winner must respond within the time frame stated in the email, otherwise an alternate winner will be chosen.

This is the email letter your friend or relative will receive.

To: [Friend's Email]
From: [Your Full Name] [Your email]
Subject: You might like this website

Dear [Your Friend's First Name],

[Your Full Name] thought you might be interested in our web site and/or magazine and used our automated mailer to send you this note. Please rest assured you have not been added to any mailing lists and will not receive any future mailings from us.

The name of our magazine and website is Countryside Magazine and the address is

We are a country-oriented homesteading magazine and web site. We cover subjects relevant to homesteading and self-reliance, including building, alternative energy, country living, livestock, gardening, food production, cooking and recipes, and much more.

Our online library will give you a good idea of what we are all about. In it, you'll find many complete articles from the current and past issues.

When you get a moment, please stop by for a look. And please let [Your Full Name] know what you thought of the website.



Countryside Magazine

Recent Winners

  • Kim Pitkin of Moscow, Idaho
  • Tracy Vogelgesang of Centerville, Indiana
  • Lynda Pedersen of Long Pond, Pennsylvania
  • Jenny Glidewell of King, North Carolina
  • Justin Hill of St. Louis, Missouri
  • Terry Newton of Clinton, Massachusetts
  • Kathy Grant of Greeneville, Tennessee
  • Zorina Beleiciks of Duvall, Washington
  • Daniel Lombardo of Nunda, New York
  • Chris Grab of Leduc, Alberta, Canada
  • Victoria Kondovski of LaSalle, Ontario, Canada
  • Ina Rommeck of Davis, California

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  Honest criticism and sensitive appreciation are directed not upon the poet, but upon the poetry.

  — T.S. Elliot